6.2 Algorithm Selection

The oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection class uses the characteristics of the data set and the task to rank algorithms from the set of supported Oracle Machine Learning algorithms.

Selecting the best Oracle Machine Learning algorithm for a data set and a prediction task is non-trivial. No single algorithm works best for all modeling problems. The oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection class ranks the candidate algorithms according to how likely each is to produce a quality model. This is achieved by using Oracle advanced meta-learning intelligence learned from a repertoire of data sets with the goal of avoiding exhaustive searches, thereby reducing overall compute time and costs.

The oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection class supports classification and regression algorithms. To use the class, you specify a data set and the number of algorithms you want to evaluate.

The select method of the class returns a sorted list of the top algorithms and their predicted rank (from best to worst).

For information on the parameters and methods of the class, invoke help(oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection) or see Oracle Machine Learning for Python API Reference.

Example 6-1 Using the oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection Class

This example creates an oml.automl.AlgorithmSelection object and then displays the algorithm rankings with their corresponding score metric. You may select the top entry or choose a different model depending on the needs of your particular business problem.

import oml
from oml import automl
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

# Load the breast cancer data set.
bc = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
bc_data = bc.data.astype(float)
X = pd.DataFrame(bc_data, columns = bc.feature_names)
y = pd.DataFrame(bc.target, columns = ['TARGET'])

# Create the database table BreastCancer.
oml_df = oml.create(pd.concat([X, y], axis=1), 
                               table = 'BreastCancer')

# Split the data set into training and test data.
train, test = oml_df.split(ratio=(0.8, 0.2), seed = 1234)
X, y = train.drop('TARGET'), train['TARGET']
X_test, y_test = test.drop('TARGET'), test['TARGET']

# Create an automated algorithm selection object with f1_macro as
# the score_metric argument.
asel = automl.AlgorithmSelection(mining_function='classification', 
                              score_metric='f1_macro', parallel=4)

# Run algorithm selection to get the top k predicted algorithms and 
# their ranking without tuning.
algo_ranking = asel.select(X, y, k=3)

# Show the selected and tuned model.
[(m, "{:.2f}".format(s)) for m,s in algo_ranking]

# Drop the database table.

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> from oml import automl
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> # Load the breast cancer data set.
... bc = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
>>> bc_data = bc.data.astype(float)
>>> X = pd.DataFrame(bc_data, columns = bc.feature_names)
>>> y = pd.DataFrame(bc.target, columns = ['TARGET'])
>>> # Create the database table BreastCancer.
>>> oml_df = oml.create(pd.concat([X, y], axis=1),
...                                table = 'BreastCancer')
>>> # Split the data set into training and test data.
... train, test = oml_df.split(ratio=(0.8, 0.2), seed = 1234)
>>> X, y = train.drop('TARGET'), train['TARGET']
>>> X_test, y_test = test.drop('TARGET'), test['TARGET']
>>> # Create an automated algorithm selection object with f1_macro as 
... # the score_metric argument.
... asel = automl.AlgorithmSelection(mining_function='classification', 
...                               score_metric='f1_macro', parallel=4)
>>> # Run algorithm selection to get the top k predicted algorithms and  
... # their ranking without tuning.
... algo_ranking = asel.select(X, y, k=3)
>>> # Show the selected and tuned model.
>>> [(m, "{:.2f}".format(s)) for m,s in algo_ranking]
[('svm_gaussian', '0.97'), ('glm_ridge', '0.96'), ('nn', '0.96')] 
>>> # Drop the database table.
... oml.drop('BreastCancer')