4.2.4 Mutate Data

In preparing data for analysis, a typical operation is to mutate data by reformatting it or deriving new columns and adding them to the data set.

These examples demonstrate methods of formatting data and deriving columns.

import pandas as pd
import oml

# Create a shopping cart data set.
shopping_cart = pd.DataFrame({
  'Item_name': ['paper_towel', 'ground_pork', 'tofu', 'eggs',
                'pork_loin', 'whole_milk', 'egg_custard'],
  'Item_type': ['grocery', 'meat', 'grocery', 'dairy', 'meat',
                'dairy', 'bakery'],
  'Quantity': [1, 2.6, 4, 1, 1.9, 1, 1],
  'Unit_price': [1.19, 2.79, 0.99, 2.49, 3.19, 2.5, 3.99]
oml_cart = oml.push(shopping_cart)

# Add a column 'Price' multiplying 'Quantity' with 'Unit_price',
# rounded to 2 decimal places.
price = oml_cart['Quantity']*(oml_cart['Unit_price'])
oml_cart = oml_cart.concat({'Price': price.round(2)})

# Count the pattern 'egg' in the 'Item_name' column.
egg_pattern = oml_cart['Item_name'].count_pattern('egg')
oml_cart.concat({'Egg_pattern': egg_pattern})

# Find the start index of substring 'pork' in the 'Item_name' column.
pork_startInd = oml_cart['Item_name'].find('pork')
oml_cart.concat({'Pork_startInd': pork_startInd})

# Check whether items are of grocery category.
oml_cart.concat({'Is_grocery': is_grocery})

# Calculate the length of item names.
oml_cart.concat({'Name_length': name_length})

# Get the ceiling, floor, exponential, logarithm and square root
# of the 'Price' column.

Listing for This Example

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import oml
>>> # Create a shopping cart data set.
... shopping_cart = pd.DataFrame({
...   'Item_name': ['paper_towel', 'ground_pork', 'tofu', 'eggs',
...                 'pork_loin', 'whole_milk', 'egg_custard'],
...   'Item_type': ['grocery', 'meat', 'grocery', 'dairy', 'meat',
...                 'dairy', 'bakery'],
...   'Quantity': [1, 2.6, 4, 1, 1.9, 1, 1],
...   'Unit_price': [1.19, 2.79, 0.99, 2.49, 3.19, 2.5, 3.99]
...   })
>>> oml_cart = oml.push(shopping_cart)
>>> oml_cart
     Item_name Item_type  Quantity  Unit_price
0  paper_towel   grocery       1.0        1.19
1  ground_pork      meat       2.6        2.79
2         tofu   grocery       4.0        0.99
3         eggs     dairy       1.0        2.49
4    pork_loin      meat       1.9        3.19
5   whole_milk     dairy       1.0        2.50
6  egg_custard    bakery       1.0        3.99
>>> # Add a column 'Price' multiplying 'Quantity' with 'Unit_price',
... # rounded to 2 decimal places.
... price = oml_cart['Quantity']*(oml_cart['Unit_price'])
>>> type(price)
<class 'oml.core.float.Float'>
>>> price
[1.19, 7.254, 3.96, 2.49, 6.061, 2.5, 3.99]
>>> oml_cart = oml_cart.concat({'Price': price.round(2)})
>>> # Count the pattern 'egg' in the 'Item_name' column.
... egg_pattern = oml_cart['Item_name'].count_pattern('egg')
>>> type(egg_pattern)
<class 'oml.core.float.Float'>
>>> oml_cart.concat({'Egg_pattern': egg_pattern})
     Item_name Item_type  Quantity  Unit_price  Price  Egg_pattern
0  paper_towel   grocery       1.0        1.19   1.19            0
1  ground_pork      meat       2.6        2.79   7.25            0
2         tofu   grocery       4.0        0.99   3.96            0
3         eggs     dairy       1.0        2.49   2.49            1
4    pork_loin      meat       1.9        3.19   6.06            0
5   whole_milk     dairy       1.0        2.50   2.50            0
6  egg_custard    bakery       1.0        3.99   3.99            1
>>> # Find the start index of substring 'pork' in the 'Item_name' column.
... pork_startInd = oml_cart['Item_name'].find('pork')
>>> type(pork_startInd)
<class 'oml.core.float.Float'>
>>> oml_cart.concat({'Pork_startInd': pork_startInd})
     Item_name Item_type  Quantity  Unit_price  Price  Pork_startInd
0  paper_towel   grocery       1.0        1.19   1.19             -1
1  ground_pork      meat       2.6        2.79   7.25              7
2         tofu   grocery       4.0        0.99   3.96             -1
3         eggs     dairy       1.0        2.49   2.49             -1
4    pork_loin      meat       1.9        3.19   6.06              0
5   whole_milk     dairy       1.0        2.50   2.50             -1
6  egg_custard    bakery       1.0        3.99   3.99             -1
>>> # Check whether items are of grocery category.
... is_grocery=oml_cart['Item_type']=='grocery'
>>> type(is_grocery)
<class 'oml.core.boolean.Boolean'>
>>> oml_cart.concat({'Is_grocery': is_grocery})
     Item_name Item_type  Quantity  Unit_price  Price  Is_grocery
0  paper_towel   grocery       1.0        1.19   1.19        True
1  ground_pork      meat       2.6        2.79   7.25       False
2         tofu   grocery       4.0        0.99   3.96        True
3         eggs     dairy       1.0        2.49   2.49       False
4    pork_loin      meat       1.9        3.19   6.06       False
5   whole_milk     dairy       1.0        2.50   2.50       False
6  egg_custard    bakery       1.0        3.99   3.99       False
>>> # Calculate the length of item names.
... name_length=oml_cart['Item_name'].len()
>>> type(name_length)
<class 'oml.core.float.Float'>
>>> oml_cart.concat({'Name_length': name_length})
     Item_name Item_type  Quantity  Unit_price  Price  Name_length
0  paper_towel   grocery       1.0        1.19   1.19           11
1  ground_pork      meat       2.6        2.79   7.25           11
2         tofu   grocery       4.0        0.99   3.96            4
3         eggs     dairy       1.0        2.49   2.49            4
4    pork_loin      meat       1.9        3.19   6.06            9
5   whole_milk     dairy       1.0        2.50   2.50           10
6  egg_custard    bakery       1.0        3.99   3.99           11
>>> # Get the ceiling, floor, exponential, logarithm and square root
... # of the 'Price' column.
... oml_cart['Price'].ceil()
[2, 8, 4, 3, 7, 3, 4]
>>> oml_cart['Price'].floor()
[1, 7, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3]
>>> oml_cart['Price'].exp()
[3.2870812073831184, 1408.1048482046956, 52.45732594909905, 12.061276120444719, 428.37543685928694, 12.182493960703473, 54.05488936332659]
>>> oml_cart['Price'].log()
[0.173953307123438, 1.9810014688665833, 1.3762440252663892, 0.9122827104766162, 1.801709800081223, 0.9162907318741551, 1.3837912309017721]
>>> oml_cart['Price'].sqrt()
[1.0908712114635715, 2.692582403567252, 1.98997487421324, 1.57797338380595, 2.4617067250182343, 1.5811388300841898, 1.997498435543818]