11.6.9 pyqScriptDrop Procedure (On-Premises Database)

This topic describes the pyqScriptDrop procedure in an on-premises Oracle Database. The pyqScriptDrop procedure removes a user-defined Python function from the OML4Py script repository.

To drop a user-defined Python function, you must have the PYQADMIN database role.


sys.pyqScriptDrop (
    V_NAME          VARCHAR2    IN
    V_GLOBAL        BOOLEAN     IN     DEFAULT
    V_SILENT        BOOLEAN     IN     DEFAULT)
Parameter Description

A name for the user-defined Python function in the OML4Py script repository.


A BOOLEAN that specifies whether the user-defined Python function to drop is a global or a private user-defined Python function. The default value is FALSE, which indicates a private user-defined Python function. TRUE specifies that the user-defined Python function is public.


A BOOLEAN that specifies whether to display an error message when sys.pyqScriptDrop encounters an error in dropping the specified user-defined Python function. The default value is FALSE.

Example 11-28 Using the sys.pyqScriptDrop Procedure

For the creation of the user-defined Python functions dropped in these examples, see Example 11-27.

This example drops the private user-defined Python function pyqFun2 from the script repository.


This example drops the global user-defined Python function pyqFun2 from the script repository.

  sys.pyqScriptDrop('pyqFun2', TRUE);