5.18 Support Vector Machine

The oml.svm class creates a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for classification, regression, or anomaly detection.

SVM is a powerful, state-of-the-art algorithm with strong theoretical foundations based on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory. SVM has strong regularization properties. Regularization refers to the generalization of the model to new data.

SVM models have a functional form similar to neural networks and radial basis functions, which are both popular machine learning techniques.

SVM can be used to solve the following problems:

  • Classification: SVM classification is based on decision planes that define decision boundaries. A decision plane is one that separates a set of objects having different class memberships. SVM finds the vectors (“support vectors") that define the separators that give the widest separation of classes.

    SVM classification supports both binary and multiclass targets.

  • Regression: SVM uses an epsilon-insensitive loss function to solve regression problems.

    SVM regression tries to find a continuous function such that the maximum number of data points lie within the epsilon-wide insensitivity tube. Predictions falling within epsilon distance of the true target value are not interpreted as errors.

  • Anomaly Detection: Anomaly detection identifies unusual cases in data that is seemingly homogeneous. Anomaly detection is an important tool for detecting fraud, network intrusion, and other rare events that may have great significance but are hard to find.

    Anomaly detection is implemented as one-class SVM classification. An anomaly detection model predicts whether a data point is typical for a given distribution or not.

The oml.svm class builds each of these three different types of models. Some arguments apply to classification models only, some to regression models only, and some to anomaly detection models only.

For information on the oml.svm class attributes and methods, invoke help(oml.svm) or see Oracle Machine Learning for Python API Reference.

Support Vector Machine Model Settings

The following table lists settings for SVM models.

Table 5-16 Support Vector Machine Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


The name of a table that stores a cost matrix for the algorithm to use in scoring the model. The cost matrix specifies the costs associated with misclassifications.

The cost matrix table is user-created. The following are the column requirements for the table.


    Data Type: Valid target data type


    Data Type: Valid target data type

  • Column Name: COST

    Data Type: NUMBER




Indicates whether the algorithm must create a model that balances the target distribution. This setting is most relevant in the presence of rare targets, as balancing the distribution may enable better average accuracy (average of per-class accuracy) instead of overall accuracy (which favors the dominant class). The default value is OFF.



The name of a table that stores weighting information for individual target values in GLM logistic regression models. The weights are used by the algorithm to bias the model in favor of higher weighted classes.

The class weights table is user-created. The following are the column requirements for the table.

  • Column Name: TARGET_VALUE

    Data Type: Valid target data type

  • Column Name: CLASS_WEIGHT

    Data Type: NUMBER


Positive integer

Sets the size of the batch for the SGD solver. This setting applies to SVM models with linear kernel. An input of 0 triggers a data driven batch size estimate. The default value is 20000.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >0)

Regularization setting that balances the complexity of the model against model robustness to achieve good generalization on new data. SVM uses a data-driven approach to finding the complexity factor.

Value of complexity factor for SVM algorithm (both Classification and Regression).

Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >0)

Convergence tolerance for SVM algorithm.

Default is 0.0001.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >0)

Regularization setting for regression, similar to complexity factor. Epsilon specifies the allowable residuals, or noise, in the data.

Value of epsilon factor for SVM regression.

Default is 0.1.




Kernel for Support Vector Machine. Linear or Gaussian.

The default value is SVMS_LINEAR.


Positive integer

Sets an upper limit on the number of SVM iterations. The default is system determined because it depends on the SVM solver.


Range [1; 10000]

Sets an upper limit on the number of pivots used in the Incomplete Cholesky decomposition. It can be set only for non-linear kernels. The default value is 200.


TO_CHAR(0< numeric_expr <1)

The desired rate of outliers in the training data. Valid for One-Class SVM models only (Anomaly Detection).

The default value is 0.01.




Controls the type of regularization that the SGD SVM solver uses. The setting applies only to linear SVM models. The default value is system determined because it depends on the potential model size.


SVMS_SOLVER_SGD (Sub-Gradient Descend)

SVMS_SOLVER_IPM (Interior Point Method)

Allows the user to choose the SVM solver. The SGD solver cannot be selected if the kernel is non-linear. The default value is system determined.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >0)

Controls the spread of the Gaussian kernel function. SVM uses a data-driven approach to find a standard deviation value that is on the same scale as distances between typical cases.

Value of standard deviation for SVM algorithm.

This is applicable only for the Gaussian kernel.

The default value is estimated from the data by the algorithm.

Example 5-18 Using the oml.svm Class

This example demonstrates the use of various methods of the oml.svm class. In the listing for this example, some of the output is not shown as indicated by ellipses.

import oml
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

# Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
iris = datasets.load_iris()
x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data,
                 columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x:
                           {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor',
                            2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)),
                 columns = ['Species']))


# Create the IRIS database table and the proxy object for the table.
oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')

# Create training and test data.
dat = oml.sync(table = 'IRIS').split()
train_x = dat[0].drop('Species')
train_y = dat[0]['Species']
test_dat = dat[1]

# Create an SVM model object.
svm_mod = oml.svm('classification', 
                  svms_kernel_function = 

# Fit the SVM Model according to the training data and parameter
# settings.
svm_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)

# Use the model to make predictions on test data.
                supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 

# Return the prediction probability.
                supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 
                proba = True)
  supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 
  topN = 1).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width'])

svm_mod.score(test_dat.drop('Species'), test_dat[:, ['Species']])

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> # Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
... iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, 
...                  columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
...                             'Petal_Length','Petal_Width'])
>>> y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: 
...                            {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 
...                             2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), 
...                  columns = ['Species'])
>>> try:
...    oml.drop('IRIS')
... except:
...    pass
>>> # Create the IRIS database table and the proxy object for the table.
... oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')
>>> # Create training and test data.
... dat = oml.sync(table = 'IRIS').split()
>>> train_x = dat[0].drop('Species')
>>> train_y = dat[0]['Species']
>>> test_dat = dat[1]
>>> # Create an SVM model object.
... svm_mod = oml.svm('classification', 
...                   svms_kernel_function = 
...                   'dbms_data_mining.svms_linear')
>>> # Fit the SVM model according to the training data and parameter
... # settings.
>>> svm_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)

Algorithm Name: Support Vector Machine


Target: Species

	       setting name                      setting value
1         CLAS_WEIGHTS_BALANCED                           OFF
2                  ODMS_DETAILS                   ODMS_ENABLE
5                     PREP_AUTO                            ON
6           SVMS_CONV_TOLERANCE                         .0001
7          SVMS_KERNEL_FUNCTION                   SVMS_LINEAR

Computed Settings: 
	      setting name    setting value
0  SVMS_COMPLEXITY_FACTOR               10
1     SVMS_NUM_ITERATIONS               30

Global Statistics: 
   attribute name  attribute value
0       CONVERGED              YES
1      ITERATIONS               14
2        NUM_ROWS              104


Partition: NO

0        setosa   Petal_Length              None            None -0.5809
1        setosa    Petal_Width              None            None -0.7736
2        setosa   Sepal_Length              None            None -0.1653
3        setosa    Sepal_Width              None            None  0.5689
4        setosa           None              None            None -0.7355
5    versicolor   Petal_Length              None            None  1.1304
6    versicolor    Petal_Width              None            None -0.3323
7    versicolor   Sepal_Length              None            None -0.8877
8    versicolor    Sepal_Width              None            None -1.2582
9    versicolor           None              None            None -0.9091
10    virginica   Petal_Length              None            None  4.6042
11    virginica    Petal_Width              None            None  4.0681
12    virginica   Sepal_Length              None            None -0.7985
13    virginica    Sepal_Width              None            None -0.4328
14    virginica           None              None            None -5.3180

>>> # Use the model to make predictions on test data.
... svm_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), 
...                supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 
...                                                 'Sepal_Width',
...                                                 'Petal_Length', 
...                                                 'Species']])
    Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width  Petal_Length     Species  PREDICTION
0            4.9          3.0           1.4      setosa      setosa
1            4.9          3.1           1.5      setosa      setosa
2            4.8          3.4           1.6      setosa      setosa
3            5.8          4.0           1.2      setosa      setosa
...          ...          ...           ...         ...         ...
44           6.7          3.3           5.7   virginica   virginica
45           6.7          3.0           5.2   virginica   virginica
46           6.5          3.0           5.2   virginica   virginica
47           5.9          3.0           5.1   virginica   virginica

>>> # Return the prediction probability.
... svm_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), 
...                supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 
...                                                 'Sepal_Width', 
...                                                 'Species']], 
...                proba = True)
    Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width     Species  PREDICTION  PROBABILITY
0            4.9          3.0      setosa      setosa     0.761886
1            4.9          3.1      setosa      setosa     0.805510
2            4.8          3.4      setosa      setosa     0.920317
3            5.8          4.0      setosa      setosa     0.998398
...          ...          ...         ...         ...          ...
44           6.7          3.3   virginica   virginica     0.927706
45           6.7          3.0   virginica   virginica     0.855353
46           6.5          3.0   virginica   virginica     0.799556
47           5.9          3.0   virginica   virginica     0.688024

>>> # Make predictions and return the probability for each class
... # on new data.
>>> svm_mod.predict_proba(test_dat.drop('Species'),
...   supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 
...                                    'Sepal_Width', 
...                                    'Species']], 
...   topN = 1).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width'])
    Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width     Species       TOP_1  TOP_1_VAL
0            4.4          3.0      setosa      setosa   0.698067
1            4.4          3.2      setosa      setosa   0.815643
2            4.5          2.3      setosa  versicolor   0.605105
3            4.8          3.4      setosa      setosa   0.920317
...          ...          ...         ...         ...        ...
44           6.7          3.3   virginica   virginica   0.927706
45           6.9          3.1  versicolor  versicolor   0.378391
46           6.9          3.1   virginica   virginica   0.881118
47           7.0          3.2  versicolor      setosa   0.586393

>>> svm_mod.score(test_dat.drop('Species'), test_dat[:, ['Species']])