4.5 Install OML4Py Client for On-Premises Oracle Database

Instructions for installing and uninstalling the on-premises OML4Py client.

For instructions on installing the OML4Py client on Autonomous Database, see Install OML4Py Client for Linux for Use With Autonomous Database Serverless.

To use the OML4Py client, users will need to install the following:


The supporting packgaes need to be installed prior to the OML4Py client installation.
  1. Install Python from source. See Build and Install Python for Linux for On-Premises Databases.
  2. Install the Oracle Instant Client. See Install Oracle Instant Client for Linux for On-Premises Databases.
  3. Install the OML4Py supporting packages. See Install the Required Supporting Packages for Linux for On-Premises Databases.
  4. Install the OML4Py client. See Install OML4Py Client for Linux for On-Premises Databases.
