7.4.7 Manage Access to Stored Objects

The oml.grant and oml.revoke functions grant or revoke the read privilege to datastores or to user-defined Python functions in the script repository.

The oml.grant function grants the read privilege to another user to a datastore or to a user-defined Python function in the OML4Py script repository. The oml.revoke function revokes that privilege.

The syntax of these functions is the following:

oml.grant(name, typ='datastore', user=None)
oml.revoke(name, typ='datastore', user=None)

The name argument is a string that specifies the name of the user-defined Python function in the script repository or the name of a datastore.

The typ parameter must be specified. The argument is a string that is either ‘datastore’ or ‘pyqscript’.

The user argument is a string that specifies the user to whom read privilege to the named datastore or user-defined Python function is granted or from whom it is revoked, or None (the default). If you specify None, then the read privilege is granted to or revoked from all users.

Example 7-19 Granting and Revoking Access to Datastores

This example displays the datastores to which the read privilege has been granted to all users. It revokes read privilege from the ds_pymodel datastore and displays the datastores with public read privilege again. It next grants the read privilege to the user SH and finally displays once more the datastores to which read privilege has been granted. For the creation of the datastores used in this example, see Example 7-14.

import oml

# Show datastores to which other users have been granted read privilege.

# Revoke the read privilege from every user.
oml.revoke(name="ds_pymodel", typ="datastore", user=None)

# Again show datastores to which read privilege has been granted.

# Grant the read privilege to the user SH.
oml.grant(name="ds_pymodel", typ="datastore", user="SH")


Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> # Show datastores to which other users have been granted read privilege.
... oml.ds.dir(dstype="grant")
  datastore_name grantee
0     ds_pymodel  PUBLIC
>>> # Revoke the read privilege from every user.
... oml.revoke(name="ds_pymodel", typ="datastore", user=None)
>>> # Again show datastores to which read privilege has been granted to other users.
... oml.ds.dir(dstype="grant")
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [datastore_name, grantee]
Index: []
>>> # Grant the read privilege to the user SH.
... oml.grant(name="ds_pymodel", typ="datastore", user="SH")
>>> oml.ds.dir(dstype="grant")
  datastore_name grantee
0     ds_pymodel      SH

Example 7-20 Granting and Revoking Access to User-Defined Python Functions

This example grants the read privilege to the MYLM user-defined Python function to the user SH and then revokes that privilege. For the creation of the user-defined Python functions used in this example, see Example 12-11.

# List the user-defined Python functions available only to the current user.

# Grant the read privilege to the MYLM user-defined Python function to the user SH.
oml.grant(name="MYLM", typ="pyqscript", user="SH")

# List the user-defined Python functions to which read privilege has been granted.

# Revoke the read privilege to the MYLM user-defined Python function from the user SH.
oml.revoke(name="MYLM", typ="pyqscript", user="SH")

# List the granted user-defined Python functions again to see if the revocation was successful.

Listing for This Example

>>> # List the user-defined Python functions available only to the current user.
   name                                             script
0  MYLM  def build_lm1(dat):\n  from sklearn import lin...
>>># Grant the read privilege to the MYLM user-defined Python function to the user SH.
...oml.grant(name="MYLM", typ="pyqscript", user="SH")
>>> # List the user-defined Python functions to which read privilege has been granted.
... oml.script.dir(sctype="grant")
   name grantee
0  MYLM      SH
>>> # Revoke the read privilege to the MYLM user-defined Python function from the user SH.
... oml.revoke(name="MYLM", typ="pyqscript", user="SH")
>>> # List the granted user-defined Python functions again to see if the revocation was successful.
... oml.script.dir(sctype="grant")
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [name, grantee]
Index: []