2.4 About the Python Components and Libraries in OML4Py

OML4Py requires an installation of Python, the specified Python libraries, as well as the OML4Py components.

  • In Oracle Autonomous Database, OML4Py is already installed. The OML4Py installation includes Python, additional required Python libraries, and the OML4Py server components. A Python interpreter is included with Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks in Autonomous Database.

  • You can install third-party Python libraries in a conda environment through a conda interpreter for use within OML Notebooks sessions and OML4Py embedded execution invocations.
  • You can install OML4Py in an on-premises Oracle Database. In this case, you must install Python, the additional required Python libraries, the OML4Py server components, and an OML4Py client. See Install OML4Py for On-Premises Databases.

Python Version in Current Release of OML4Py

The current release of OML4Py is based on Python 3.12.0.

This version is in the current release of Oracle Autonomous Database.

Required Python Libraries

The following Python libraries must be included.

  • oracledb 2.2.0
  • cycler 0.10.0
  • joblib 1.1.0
  • kiwisolver 1.1.0
  • matplotlib 3.8.4
  • numpy 1.26.4
  • pandas 2.1.1
  • Pillow-8.2.0
  • pyparsing 2.4.0
  • python-dateutil 2.8.1
  • pytz 2022.1
  • scikit-learn 1.4.1.post1
  • scipy 1.12.0
  • six 1.13.0
  • threadpoolctl 3.1.0

All the above libraries are included with Python in the current release of Oracle Autonomous Database.

For an installation of OML4Py in an on-premises Oracle Database, you must install Python and additionally the libraries listed here. See Install OML4Py for On-Premises Databases.