9.17 Singular Value Decomposition

Use the oml.svd class to build a model for feature extraction.

The oml.svd class creates a model that uses the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm for feature extraction. SVD performs orthogonal linear transformations that capture the underlying variance of the data by decomposing a rectangular matrix into three matrices: U, V, and D. Columns of matrix V contain the right singular vectors and columns of matrix U contain the left singular vectors. Matrix D is a diagonal matrix and its singular values reflect the amount of data variance captured by the bases.

The SVDS_MAX_NUM_FEATURES constant specifies the maximum number of features supported by SVD. The value of the constant is 2500.

For information on the oml.svd class attributes and methods, invoke help(oml.svd) or see Oracle Machine Learning for Python API Reference.

Settings for a Singular Value Decomposition Model

Table 9-15 Singular Value Decomposition Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description

TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >=1)

The number of features to extract.

The default value is estimated by the algorithm. If the matrix rank is smaller than this number, fewer features are returned.


Range [1, 5000].

Configures the number of columns in the sampling matrix used by the Stochastic SVD solver. The number of columns in this matrix is equal to the requested number of features plus the oversampling setting. TSVDS_SOLVER must be set to SVDS_SOLVER_SSVD or SVDS_SOLVER_STEIGEN.


Range [0, 20].

Improves the accuracy of the SSVD solver. The default value is 2. SVDS_SOLVER must be set to SVDS_SOLVER_SSVD or SVDS_SOLVER_STEIGEN.


Range [0 - 4,294,967,296]

The random seed value for initializing the sampling matrix used by the Stochastic SVD solver. The default value is 0. SVDS_SOLVER must be set to SVDS_SOLVER_SSVD or SVDS_SOLVER_STEIGEN




Whether to use SVD or PCA scoring for the model.

When the build data is scored with SVD, the projections are the same as the U matrix. When the build data is scored with PCA, the projections are the product of the U and D matrices.

The default value is SVDS_SCORING_SVD.






Specifies the solver to be used for computing SVD of the data. For PCA, the solver setting indicates the type of SVD solver used to compute the PCA for the data. When this setting is not specified, the solver type selection is data driven. If the number of attributes is greater than 3240, then the default wide solver is used. Otherwise, the default narrow solver is selected.

The following are the group of solvers:

  • Narrow data solvers: for matrices with up to 11500 attributes (TSEIGEN) or up to 8100 attributes (TSSVD).

  • Wide data solvers: for matrices up to 1 million attributes.

For narrow data solvers:

  • Tall-Skinny SVD uses QR computation TSVD (SVDS_SOLVER_TSSVD)

  • Tall-Skinny SVD uses eigenvalue computation, TSEIGEN (SVDS_SOLVER_TSEIGEN), which is the default solver for narrow data.

For wide data solvers:

  • Stochastic SVD uses QR computation SSVD (SVDS_SOLVER_SSVD), is the default solver for wide data solvers.

  • Stochastic SVD uses eigenvalue computations, STEIGEN (SVDS_SOLVER_STEIGEN).


Range [0, 1]

Defines the minimum value for the eigenvalue of a feature as a share of the first eigenvalue to not prune. Use this setting to prune features. The default value is data driven.




Specifies whether to persist the U matrix produced by SVD.

The U matrix in SVD has as many rows as the number of rows in the build data. To avoid creating a large model, the U matrix is persisted only when SVDS_U_MATRIX_OUTPUT is enabled.

When SVDS_U_MATRIX_OUTPUT is enabled, the build data must include a case ID. If no case ID is present and the U matrix is requested, then an exception is raised.

The default value is SVDS_U_MATRIX_DISABLE.

Example 9-17 Using the oml.svd Class

This example uses some of the methods of the oml.svd class. In the listing for this example, some of the output is not shown as indicated by ellipses.

import oml
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

# Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
iris = datasets.load_iris()
x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data,
                 columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x:
                           {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor',
                            2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)),
                 columns = ['Species'])


# Create the IRIS database table and the proxy object for the table.
oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')

# Create training and test data.
dat = oml.sync(table = 'IRIS').split()
train_dat = dat[0]
test_dat = dat[1]

# Create an SVD model object.
svd_mod = oml.svd(ODMS_DETAILS = 'ODMS_ENABLE')

# Fit the model according to the training data and parameter
# settings.
svd_mod = svd_mod.fit(train_dat)

# Show the model details.

# Use the model to make predictions on the test data.
                supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, 

# Perform dimensionality reduction and return values for the two
# features that have the highest topN values.
  supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length']], 
    topN = 2).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length', 

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> # Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
... iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, 
...                  columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
...                             'Petal_Length','Petal_Width'])
>>> y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: 
...                            {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 
...                             2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), 
...                  columns = ['Species'])
>>> try:
...    oml.drop('IRIS')
... except:
...    pass
>>> # Create the IRIS database table and the proxy object for the table.
... oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')
>>> # Create training and test data.
... dat = oml.sync(table = 'IRIS').split()
>>> train_dat = dat[0]
>>> test_dat = dat[1]
>>> # Create an SVD model object.
... svd_mod = oml.svd(ODMS_DETAILS = 'ODMS_ENABLE')
>>> # Fit the model according to the training data and parameter
... # settings.
>>> svd_mod = svd_mod.fit(train_dat)
>>> # Show the model details.
... svd_mod

Algorithm Name: Singular Value Decomposition

	           setting name               setting value
1                  ODMS_DETAILS                 ODMS_ENABLE
4                     PREP_AUTO                          ON
5             SVDS_SCORING_MODE            SVDS_SCORING_SVD

Computed Settings: 
        setting name                    setting value
0  FEAT_NUM_FEATURES                                8
2     SVDS_TOLERANCE  .000000000000024646951146678475

Global Statistics: 
    attribute name  attribute value
0   NUM_COMPONENTS                8
1         NUM_ROWS              111
2 SUGGESTED_CUTOFF                1


Partition: NO


0           1             ID            None  0.996297
1           1   Petal_Length            None  0.046646
2           1    Petal_Width            None  0.015917
3           1   Sepal_Length            None  0.063312
... ... ... ... ...
60           8   Sepal_Width            None -0.030620
61           8       Species          setosa  0.431543
62           8       Species      versicolor  0.566418
63           8       Species       virginica  0.699261

[64 rows x 4 columns]


0           1  886.737809
1           2   32.736792
2           3   10.043389
3           4    5.270496
4           5    2.708602
5           6    1.652340
6           7    0.938640
7           8    0.452170


        '1'       '2'       '3'       '4'       '5'       '6'       '7' \
0  0.001332  0.156581 -0.317375  0.113462 -0.154414 -0.113058  0.799390
1  0.003692  0.052289  0.316295  0.733040  0.190746  0.022285 -0.046406
2  0.005267 -0.051498 -0.052111  0.527881 -0.066995  0.046461 -0.469396
3  0.015917  0.008741  0.263614  0.244811  0.460445  0.767503  0.262966
4  0.030208  0.550384 -0.358277  0.041807  0.689962 -0.261815 -0.143258
5  0.046646  0.189325  0.766663  0.326363  0.079611 -0.479070  0.177661
6  0.063312  0.790864  0.097964 -0.051230 -0.490804  0.312159 -0.131337
7  0.996297 -0.076079 -0.035940 -0.017429 -0.000960 -0.001908  0.001755
0  0.431543
1  0.566418
2  0.699261
3  0.005000
4 -0.030620
5 -0.016932
6 -0.052185
7 -0.001415

>>> # Use the model to make predictions on the test data.
>>> svd_mod.predict(test_dat, 
                    supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, 
...                                              ['Sepal_Length', 
...                                               'Sepal_Width', 
...                                               'Petal_Length', 
...                                               'Species']])
    Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width  Petal_Length     Species  FEATURE_ID
0            5.0          3.6           1.4    setosa           2
1            5.0          3.4           1.5    setosa           2
2            4.4          2.9           1.4    setosa           8
3            4.9          3.1           1.5    setosa           2
... ... ... ... ... ...
35           6.9          3.1           5.4 virginica           1
36           5.8          2.7           5.1 virginica           1
37           6.2          3.4           5.4 virginica           5
38           5.9          3.0           5.1 virginica           1

>>> # Perform dimensionality reduction and return values for the two
... # features that have the highest topN values.
>>> svd_mod.transform(test_dat, 
...   supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length']], 
...     topN = 2).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length',
...                                 'TOP_1',
...                                 'TOP_1_VAL']) 
    Sepal_Length  TOP_1  TOP_1_VAL  TOP_2  TOP_2_VAL
0            4.4      7   0.153125      3  -0.130778
1            4.4      8   0.171819      2   0.147070
2            4.8      2   0.159324      6  -0.085194
3            4.8      7   0.157187      3  -0.141668
... ... ... ... ... ...
35           7.2      6  -0.167688      1   0.142545
36           7.2      7  -0.176290      6  -0.175527
37           7.6      4   0.205779      3   0.141533
38           7.9      8  -0.253194      7  -0.166967