9.21 XGBoost

The oml.xgb class supports the in-database scalable gradient tree boosting algorithm for both classification, regression specifications, ranking models, and survival models. It makes available the open source gradient boosting framework. It prepares the categorical encoding and missing value replacement from the OML infrastructure, calls the in-database XGBoost, builds and persists a model as a first-class database model object, and supports using the model for prediction.

You can use oml.xgb as a stand-alone predictor or incorporate it into real-world production pipelines for a wide range of problems such as ad click-through rate prediction, hazard risk prediction, web text classification, and so on.

The oml.xgb algorithm takes three types of parameters: general parameters, booster parameters, and task parameters. You set the parameters through the model settings. The algorithm supports most of the settings of the open source XGBoost project. For more information on the supported settings, see XGBoost parameters.

Through oml.xgb, OML4Py supports a number of different classification and regression specifications, ranking models, and survival models. Binary and multi-class models are supported under the classification machine learning technique while regression, ranking, count, and survival are supported under the regression machine learning technique.

oml.xgb also supports partitioned models and internalizes the data preparation.

XG Boost feature interaction constraints allow users to specify which variables can and cannot interact. By focusing on key interactions and eliminating noise, it aids in improving predicting performance. This, in turn, may lead to more generalized predictions. For more information about XG Boost feature interaction constraints, see Oracle Machine Learning for SQL Concepts Guide.

Settings for an XGBoost model

The following table lists settings that apply to XGBoost models.

Table 9-19 XGBoost Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description

A string that is one of the following:

  • dart
  • gblinear
  • gbtree

The booster to use:

  • dart
  • gblinear
  • gbtree

The dart and gbtree boosters use tree-based models whereas gblinear uses linear functions.

The default value is gbtree.


A non-negative integer.

The number of rounds for boosting.

The default value is 10.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.

[[x0,x1,x2],[x0,x4],[x5,x6]] for example, xn are feature names or columns

This setting specifies permitted interactions in the model. Specify the constraints in the form of a nested list where each inner list is a group of features (column names) that are allowed to interact with each other. If a single column is passed in the interactions then, the input is ignored.

Here, features x0, x1, and x2 are allowed to interact with each other but with no other feature. Similarly, x0 and x4 are allowed to interact with each other but with no other feature and so on. This setting is applicable to 2-Dimensional features. An error occurs if you pass columns of non-supported type and non-existing feature names.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.


This setting specifies the features (column names) that must obey the decreasing constraint. The feature names are separated by a comma. For example, setting value 'x4,x5' sets decreasing constraint on features x4 and x5. This setting applies to numeric columns and 2-Dimensional features. An error occurs if you pass columns of non-supported type and non-existing feature names.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.


This setting specifies the features (column names) that must obey the increasing constraint. The feature names are separated by a comma. For example, setting value 'x0,x3' sets increasing constraint on features x0 and x3. This setting is applicable to 2-Dimensional features. An error occurs if you pass columns of non-supported type and non-existing feature names.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.

For a classification model, a string that is one of the following:

  • binary:hinge
  • binary:logistic
  • multi:softmax
  • multi:softprob

For a regression model, a string that is one of the following:

  • binary:logitraw
  • count:poisson
  • rank:map
  • rank:ndcg
  • rank:pairwise
  • reg:gamma
  • reg:logistic
  • reg:tweedie
  • survival:aft
  • survival:cox
  • reg:squarederror
  • reg:squaredlogerror

Settings for a Classification model:

  • binary:hinge: Hinge loss for binary classification. This setting makes predictions of 0 or 1, rather than producing probabilities.
  • binary:logistic: Logistic regression for binary classification. The output is the probability.
  • multi:softmax: Performs multiclass classification using the softmax objective; you must also set num_class(number_of_classes).
  • multi:softprob: : Same as softmax, except the output is a vector of ndata * nclass, which can be further reshaped to an ndata * nclass matrix. The result contains the predicted probability of each data point belonging to each class.

The default objective value for classification is multi:softprob.

Settings for a Regression model:

  • binary:logitraw: Logistic regression for binary classification; the output is the score before logistic transformation.
  • count:poisson: Poisson regression for count data; the output is the mean of the Poisson distribution. The max_delta_step value is set to 0.7 by default in Poisson regression to safeguard optimization.
  • rank:map: Using LambdaMART, performs list-wise ranking in which the Mean Average Precision (MAP) is maximized.
  • rank:ndcg: Using LambdaMART, performs list-wise ranking in which the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) is maximized.
  • rank:pairwise: Performs ranking by minimizing the pairwise loss.
  • reg:gamma: Gamma regression with log-link; the output is the mean of the gamma distribution. This setting might be useful for any outcome that might be gamma-distributed, such as modeling insurance claims severity.
  • reg:logistic: Logistic regression.
  • reg:tweedie: Tweedie regression with log-link. This setting might be useful for any outcome that might be Tweedie-distributed, such as modeling total loss in insurance.
  • survival:aft: Applies the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model for censored survival time data. When you select this option, eval_metric uses aft-nloglik as the default value.
  • survival:cox: Cox regression for right-censored survival time data (negative values are considered right-censored). Predictions are returned on the hazard ratio scale (that is, as HR = exp(marginal_prediction) in the proportional hazard function h(t) = h0(t) * HR).
  • reg:squarederror: Regression with squared loss.
  • reg:squaredlogerror: Regression with squared log loss. All input labels must be greater than -1.

The default objective value for regression is reg:squarederror.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.

[normal, logistic, extreme]

Specifies the distribution of the Z term in the AFT model. It specifies the Probabilty Density Function used by survival:aft objective and aft-nloglik evaluation metric. The default value is normal.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.

A positive number

Specifies the scaling factor σ, which scales the size of Z term in the AFT model. The default value is 1.



Available only in Oracle Database 23ai.


Specifies the column containing the right bounds of the labels for an AFT model. You cannot select this parameter for a non-AFT model.


Oracle Machine Learning does not support BOOLEAN values for this setting.

For more information on the booster settings, see XGBoost parameters

Example 9-21 Using the oml.xgb Class

This example creates an XGB model and uses some of the methods of the oml.xgb class.

#Load the iris data from sklearn and combine the target and predictors into a single DataFrame, which matches the form of a database table.  
Use the oml.create function to load this Pandas DataFrame into the databae, which creates a persistent table and returns a proxy object that you assign to z.#

import oml
from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd

iris = datasets.load_iris()
x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Petal_Width'])
y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), columns = ['Species'])

#For on-premises database follow the below command to connect to the database#
oml.connect("<username>","<password>", dsn="<dsn>")
z = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')

#Create training data and test data.#

dat = oml.sync(table = "IRIS").split()
train_x = dat[0].drop('Species')
train_y = dat[0]['Species']
test_dat = dat[1]

#Classification Example:#

#Create an XGBoost model object.#

setting = {'xgboost_max_depth': '3',
...            'xgboost_eta': '1',
...            'xgboost_num_round': '10'}

xgb_mod = oml.xgb('classification', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost model to the training data.#

xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)  
#Use the model to make predictions on the test data and return the prediction probabilities for each category in Species.#
xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Species']], proba = True).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width']) 
     Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width     Species       TOP_1  TOP_1_VAL
 0            4.4          3.0      setosa      setosa   0.993619
 1            4.4          3.2      setosa      setosa   0.993619
 2            4.5          2.3      setosa      setosa   0.942128
 3            4.8          3.4      setosa      setosa   0.993619
...           ...          ...         ...         ...        ...
 42           6.7          3.3   virginica   virginica   0.996170
 43           6.9          3.1  versicolor  versicolor   0.925217
 44           6.9          3.1   virginica   virginica   0.996170
 45           7.0          3.2  versicolor  versicolor   0.990586

#Create training data and test data.#

dat = oml.sync(table = "IRIS").split()

train_x = dat[0].drop('Sepal_Length')
train_y = dat[0]['Sepal_Length']
test_dat = dat[1]

#Create an XGBoost model object.#

setting = {'xgboost_booster': 'gblinear'}
xgb_mod = oml.xgb('regression', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost Model according to the training data and parameter settings.#

xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)  
xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Species']]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS
#Create an XGBoost model object.#

setting = {'xgboost_objective': 'rank:pairwise',
...            'xgboost_max_depth': '3',
...            'xgboost_eta': '0.1',
...            'xgboost_gamma': '1.0',
...            'xgboost_num_round': '4'}

xgb_mod = oml.xgb('regression', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost Model according to the training data and parameter settings.#

xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)
#Use the model to make predictions on the test data, returning the Sepal_Length, Sepal_Width, Petal_Length, and Species columns in the result.#

xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Species']]) 

Listing for This Example

#Load the iris data from sklearn and combine the target and predictors into a single DataFrame, which matches the form of a database table.  
Use the oml.create function to load this Pandas DataFrame into the databae, which creates a persistent table and returns a proxy object that you assign to z.#

>>> import oml
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> import pandas as pd

>>> iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Petal_Width'])
>>> y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), columns = ['Species'])

>>> #For on-premises database follow the below command to connect to the database#
>>> oml.connect("<username>","<password>", dsn="<dsn>")
>>> z = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')

#Create training data and test data.#

>>> dat = oml.sync(table = "IRIS").split()
>>> train_x = dat[0].drop('Species')
>>> train_y = dat[0]['Species']
>>> test_dat = dat[1]

#Classification Example:#

#Create an XGBoost model object.#

>>> setting = {'xgboost_max_depth': '3',
...            'xgboost_eta': '1',
...            'xgboost_num_round': '10'}

>>> xgb_mod = oml.xgb('classification', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost model to the training data.#

>>> xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)  

Algorithm Name: XGBOOST
Target: Species

                    setting name            setting value
0                      ALGO_NAME             ALGO_XGBOOST
1          CLAS_WEIGHTS_BALANCED                      OFF
2                   ODMS_DETAILS              ODMS_ENABLE
5                      PREP_AUTO                       ON
6                        booster                   gbtree
7                            eta                        1
8                      max_depth                        3
9                    ntree_limit                        0
10                     num_round                       10
11                     objective           multi:softprob

Global Statistics: 
  attribute name attribute value
0       NUM_ROWS             104
1       mlogloss        0.024858


Partition: NO


0  None   Petal_Length              None            None  0.743941  0.560554   
1  None    Petal_Width              None            None  0.162191  0.245400   
2  None   Sepal_Length              None            None  0.003738  0.044741   
3  None    Sepal_Width              None            None  0.090129  0.149306   

0   0.447761  
1   0.268657  
2   0.119403  
3   0.164179  

#Use the model to make predictions on the test data and return the prediction probabilities for each category in Species.#

>>> xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Species']], proba = True).sort_values(by = ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width']) 
     Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width     Species       TOP_1  TOP_1_VAL
 0            4.4          3.0      setosa      setosa   0.993619
 1            4.4          3.2      setosa      setosa   0.993619
 2            4.5          2.3      setosa      setosa   0.942128
 3            4.8          3.4      setosa      setosa   0.993619
...           ...          ...         ...         ...        ...
 42           6.7          3.3   virginica   virginica   0.996170
 43           6.9          3.1  versicolor  versicolor   0.925217
 44           6.9          3.1   virginica   virginica   0.996170
 45           7.0          3.2  versicolor  versicolor   0.990586

#Regression Example:#

#Create training data and test data.#

>>> dat = oml.sync(table = "IRIS").split()

>>> train_x = dat[0].drop('Sepal_Length')
>>> train_y = dat[0]['Sepal_Length']
>>> test_dat = dat[1]

#Create an XGBoost model object.#

>>> setting = {'xgboost_booster': 'gblinear'}
>>> xgb_mod = oml.xgb('regression', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost Model according to the training data and parameter settings.#

>>> xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y)  

Algorithm Name: XGBOOST
Mining Function: REGRESSION
Target: Sepal_Length

                   setting name            setting value
0                     ALGO_NAME             ALGO_XGBOOST
1                  ODMS_DETAILS              ODMS_ENABLE
4                     PREP_AUTO                       ON
5                       booster                 gblinear
6                   ntree_limit                        0
7                     num_round                       10

Computed Settings: 
              setting name setting value
0  ODMS_EXPLOSION_MIN_SUPP             1

Global Statistics: 
  attribute name attribute value
0       NUM_ROWS             104
1           rmse        0.364149


Partition: NO


0  None   Petal_Length              None            None  0.335183      0
1  None    Petal_Width              None            None  0.368738      0
2  None    Sepal_Width              None            None  0.249208      0
3  None        Species              None      versicolor -0.197582      0
4  None        Species              None       virginica -0.170522      0

>>> xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Species']]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS
     Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width  Petal_Length     Species  PREDICTION
 0            4.9          3.0           1.4      setosa    4.797075
 1            4.9          3.1           1.5      setosa    4.818641
 2            4.8          3.4           1.6      setosa    4.963796
 3            5.8          4.0           1.2      setosa    4.979247
...           ...          ...           ...         ...         ...
 42           6.7          3.3           5.7   virginica    6.990700
 43           6.7          3.0           5.2   virginica    6.674599
 44           6.5          3.0           5.2   virginica    6.563977
 45           5.9          3.0           5.1   virginica    6.456711

#Ranking Example:#

#Create an XGBoost model object.#

>>> setting = {'xgboost_objective': 'rank:pairwise',
...            'xgboost_max_depth': '3',
...            'xgboost_eta': '0.1',
...            'xgboost_gamma': '1.0',
...            'xgboost_num_round': '4'}

>>> xgb_mod = oml.xgb('regression', **setting)

#Fit the XGBoost Model according to the training data and parameter settings.#

>>> xgb_mod.fit(train_x, train_y) 
Algorithm Name: XGBOOST
Mining Function: REGRESSION
Target: Sepal_Length

                    setting name            setting value
0                      ALGO_NAME             ALGO_XGBOOST
1                   ODMS_DETAILS              ODMS_ENABLE
4                      PREP_AUTO                       ON
5                        booster                   gbtree
6                            eta                      0.1
7                          gamma                      1.0
8                      max_depth                        3
9                    ntree_limit                        0
10                     num_round                        4
11                     objective            rank:pairwise

Computed Settings: 
              setting name setting value
0  ODMS_EXPLOSION_MIN_SUPP             1

Global Statistics: 
  attribute name  attribute value
0       NUM_ROWS              104
1            map                1


Partition: NO


0  None   Petal_Length              None            None  0.873855  0.677624   
1  None    Petal_Width              None            None  0.083504  0.184802   
2  None    Sepal_Width              None            None  0.042641  0.137574   

0   0.500000  
1   0.285714  
2   0.214286  

#Use the model to make predictions on the test data, returning the Sepal_Length, Sepal_Width, Petal_Length, and Species columns in the result.#

>>> xgb_mod.predict(test_dat.drop('Species'), supplemental_cols = test_dat[:, ['Sepal_Length', 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length', 'Species']]) 
     Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width  Petal_Length     Species  PREDICTION
 0            4.9          3.0           1.4      setosa    0.243485
 1            4.9          3.1           1.5      setosa    0.243485
 2            4.8          3.4           1.6      setosa    0.243485
 3            5.8          4.0           1.2      setosa    0.310980
...           ...          ...           ...         ...         ...
 42           6.7          3.3           5.7   virginica    0.771761
 43           6.7          3.0           5.2   virginica    0.728637
 44           6.5          3.0           5.2   virginica    0.728637
 45           5.9          3.0           5.1   virginica    0.674835