5.2.4 DCLI Commands Summary for Oracle Machine Learning for R Server
The DCLI commands used to install OML4R and the supporting packages on a Linux Exadata system are listed in the following example.
Example 5-3 DCLI Command Summary for OML4R Server
dcli -g nodes -l oracle mkdir -p /home/oracle/ORE dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d /home/oracle/ORE/ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d /home/oracle/ORE/ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-version.zip dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle unzip /home/oracle/ORE/ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d /home/oracle/ORE/ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle /home/oracle/ORE/server.sh sqlplus / as sysdba grant RQADMIN to OML_USER; exit; dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle ORE -e "library(ORE)"
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