7.6 Install Additional R Packages on Linux or UNIX

On Linux and UNIX platforms, the OML4R Server installation provides the ORE script, which you can run from the operating system prompt to install additional R packages.

The ORE script is a wrapper for the R installation command: R CMD INSTALL.

By default, R packages are installed in /usr/lib64/R/library. The OML4R Server installation provides the ORE script, which is executed from the operating system shell to install R packages and to start R. The ORE script is a wrapper for the default R script, a shell wrapper for the R executable. It can be used to start R, run batch scripts, and build or install R packages. Unlike the default R script, the ORE script installs packages to a location writable by the oracle user and accessible by all OML4R users: $ORACLE_HOME/R/library. All R packages installed with the ORE script are installed to this location.

To execute the script:

ORE CMD INSTALL R_package_name