6.4.1 Install the Supporting Packages on Windows

Instructions for installing the supporting packages on Windows.

  1. Download the supporting packages from the Oracle Machine Learning for R Downloads website.

  2. Select the Supporting packages for your platform and R version and accept the license agreement. Download the zip file to the installation directory that you created for Oracle Instant Client. For example:


    NOTE: Choose the same installation directory for all OML4R client components.

  3. Unzip the file. The contents are extracted into the supporting subdirectory:

    The resulting installation directory, shown in the example at the end of this section, contains all the client components: Oracle Instant Client, OML4R packages, and OML4R supporting packages.

  4. Choose one of the following methods to install the supporting packages on Windows:

    • Install from the R Console

      1. Start R x64 from the Windows Start menu.

      2. Execute this R command for each zip file in the client directory:

        install.packages("oml4rclient_install_dir/support/support_package_name.zip', repos=NULL)

        Each successful package installation produces this message in the R console:

        package 'package_name' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
    • Install from the R GUI

      1. Start R x64 from the Windows Start menu.

      2. Select Packages from the RGui (64-bit) menu bar.

      3. From the Packages menu, select Install package(s) from local zip files.

      4. Change to the support directory.

      5. Select all the files in the directory.

      6. Click Open.

        Each package installation produces this message in the R console:

        package 'package_name' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
    • Install from the Windows command prompt

      1. Start R x64 from the Windows Start menu.

      2. Open a Windows command window.

      3. Change directory to the client directory and type these commands:

        R CMD INSTALL ROracle_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL arules_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL Cairo_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL DBI_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL png_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL randomForest_version.zip
        R CMD INSTALL statmod_version.zip

        Each package installation generates this message:

        package 'package_name' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

Example 6-2 Client Installation Directory Containing All Client Components

