Performing a Partial Uninstall

A partial uninstall removes the RQSYS metadata and PL/SQL packages from the database but leaves the libraries and R packages that support OML4R Server in Oracle home.

If OML4R Server support is installed in more than one database instance in the same Oracle home, or if it is installed in a pluggable database (PDB), then a partial uninstall removes OML4R Server support from the specified database without affecting the other databases. The server script performs a partial uninstall by default.


If you accidentally perform a full uninstall for one of the instances or PDBs that share support for OML4R Server, then the other shared instances or PDBs will no longer support OML4R Server. You can easily restore OML4R Server support in Oracle home by rerunning the server script to perform an installation in one of the shared instances or PDBs.

If you run the server script with the -u option, then a partial uninstall is performed. You can specify the --keep option to explicitly request a partial uninstall. The following commands all perform a partial uninstall of OML4R Server:

./server.sh  --uninstall  
./server.sh  -u
./server.sh  -u --keep
./server.sh  --uninstall  --keep