A.4 Verifying the Oracle Machine Learning for R Installation

To verify that the basic functionality of OML4R is working, establish a connection to an OML4R server and execute several basic functions.


To start and use OML4R, your database user must have the privileges required for OML4R installation. See User Requirements for details.

Example A-2 Connecting to an OML4R Server

To connect the an OML4R client to an OML4R server:

  1. Select R x64 3.3.0 from the Windows Start menu.

    The R Console is displayed.

  2. Type this command to start OML4R:

    $ ORE
    R> library(ORE)
  3. Type this command to connect to the OML4R server. The following example connects user OML_USER to the database orcl on the server host serv1 using port 1521:

    >  ore.connect(user="OML_USER", sid="orcl", host="serv1", password="OML_USERpsw",
                   port=1521, all=TRUE)
    Loading required package: ROracle
    Loading required package: DBI
  4. Execute ore.is.connected to validate the connection. If the connection is successful, the function returns TRUE:

    > ore.is.connected()
    [1] TRUE

Example A-3 Listing the Database Tables Accessible in a Schema

The ore.ls function lists the ore.frame proxy objects that correspond to database tables in the environment for a schema. In the following example, TABLE1 and TABLE2 exist in the current schema:

> ore.ls()
[1] "TABLE1" "TABLE2"

Example A-4 Pushing an R Data Frame to the Database

The ore.push function pushes a local R object into an OML4R object of the appropriate data type in the database. The following example creates an R data.frame and pushes it an ore.frame object in the database.

df <- data.frame(a="abc",
of <- ore.push(df)

Example A-5 Executing an Embedded R Function

The ore.doEval function executes the specified function in an R engine on the database server and returns the results. This example declares a function in the ore.doEval invocation.

> ore.doEval(function() { 123 })
[1] 123