4.2.2 Association Rules

The ore.odmAssocRules function implements the Apriori algorithm to find frequent itemsets and generate an association model.

The function finds the co-occurrence of items in large volumes of transactional data such as in market basket analysis. An association rule identifies a pattern in the data in which the appearance of a set of items in a transactional record implies another set of items. The groups of items used to form rules must pass a minimum threshold according to how frequently they occur (the support of the rule) and how often the consequent follows the antecedent (the confidence of the rule). Association models generate all rules that have support and confidence greater than user-specified thresholds. The Apriori algorithm is efficient, and scales well with respect to the number of transactions, number of items, and number of itemsets and rules produced.

The formula specification has the form ~ terms, where terms is a series of column names to include in the analysis. Multiple column names are specified using + between column names. Use ~ . if all columns in the data should be used for model building. To exclude columns, use - before each column name to exclude. Functions can be applied to the items in terms to realize transformations.

The ore.odmAssocRules function accepts data in the following forms:

  • Transactional data

  • Multi-record case data using item id and item value

  • Relational data

For examples of specifying the forms of data and for information on the arguments of the function, call help(ore.odmAssocRules).

The function rules returns an object of class ore.rules, which specifies a set of association rules. You can pull an ore.rules object into memory in a local R session by using ore.pull. The local in-memory object is of class rules defined in the arules package. See help(ore.rules).

The function itemsets returns an object of class ore.itemsets, which specifies a set of itemsets. You can pull an ore.itemsets object into memory in a local R session by using ore.pull. The local in-memory object is of class itemsets defined in the arules package. See help(ore.itemsets).

Settings for an Association Rules Model

The following table lists the settings that apply to Association Rules models.

Table 4-3 Association Rules Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


Specifies the absolute error for the association rules sampling.

A smaller value of ASSO_ABS_ERROR obtains a larger sample size that gives accurate results but takes longer to compute. Set a reasonable value for ASSO_ABS_ERROR, such as the default value, to avoid too large a sample size.




Specifies the columns to aggregate. It is a comma separated list of strings containing the names of the columns for aggregation. The number of columns in the list must be <= 10.

You can set ASSO_AGGREGATES if you have specified a column name with ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME. The data table must have valid column names such as ITEM_ID and CASE_ID which are derived from ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME.

An item value is not mandatory.

The default value is NULL.

For each item, you may supply several columns to aggregate. However, doing so requires more memory to buffer the extra data and also affects performance because of the larger input data set and increased operations.



Sets Including Rules for the antecedent: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in the antecedent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules for the antecedent: it is a comma separated list of strings, none of which can appear in the antecedent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Specifies the confidence level for an association rules sample.

A larger value of ASSO_CONF_LEVEL obtains a larger sample size. Any value between 0.9 and 1 is suitable. The default value is 0.95.



Sets Including Rules for the consequent: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in the consequent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules for the consequent: it is a comma separated list of strings, none of which can appear in the consequent part of a reported association rule.

You can use the excluding rule to reduce the data that must be stored, but you may be required to build extra models for executing different Including or Excluding Rules.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules applied for each association rule: it is a comma separated list of strings that cannot appear in an association rule. No rule can contain any item in the list.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Including Rules applied for each association rule: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in each reported association rule, either as antecedent or as consequent

The default value NULL, which specifies that filtering is not applied.

ASSO_MAX_RULE_LENGTH TO_CHAR( 2<= numeric_expr <=20)

Maximum rule length for association rules.

The default value is 4.

ASSO_MIN_CONFIDENCE TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum confidence for association rules.

The default value is 0.1.

ASSO_MIN_REV_CONFIDENCE TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Sets the Minimum Reverse Confidence that each rule should satisfy.

The Reverse Confidence of a rule is defined as the number of transactions in which the rule occurs divided by the number of transactions in which the consequent occurs.

The value is real number between 0 and 1.

The default value is 0.


TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum support for association rules.

The default value is 0.1.


TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum absolute support that each rule must satisfy. The value must be an integer.

The default value is 1.





The name of a column that contains the items in a transaction. When you specify this setting, the algorithm expects the data to be presented in native transactional format, consisting of two columns:

  • Case ID, either categorical or numeric
  • Item ID, either categorical or numeric

The name of a column that contains a value associated with each item in a transaction. Use this setting only when you have specified a value for ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME, indicating that the data is presented in native transactional format.

If you also use ASSO_AGGREGATES, then the build data must include the following three columns and the columns specified in the AGGREGATES setting.

  • Case ID, either categorical or numeric
  • Item ID, either categorical or numeric, specified by ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME
  • Item value, either categorical or numeric, specified by ODMS_ITEM_VALUE_COLUMN_ NAME

If ASSO_AGGREGATES, Case ID, and Item ID columns are present, then the Item Value column may or may not appear.

The Item Value column may specify information such as the number of items (for example, three apples) or the type of the item (for example, macintosh apples).

Example 4-9 Using the ore.odmAssocRules Function

This example builds an association model on a transactional data set. The packages arules and arulesViz are required to pull the resulting rules and itemsets into the client R session memory and be visualized. The graph of the rules appears in the figure following the example.

# Load the arules and arulesViz packages.
# Create some transactional data.
id <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
item <- c("b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c", "e", "b", "c", "d", "e")
# Push the data to the database as an ore.frame object.
transdata_of <- ore.push(data.frame(ID = id, ITEM = item))
# Build a model with specifications.
ar.mod1 <- ore.odmAssocRules(~., transdata_of, case.id.column = "ID",
             item.id.column = "ITEM", min.support = 0.6, min.confidence = 0.6,
             max.rule.length = 3)
# Generate itemsets and rules of the model.
itemsets <- itemsets(ar.mod1)
rules <- rules(ar.mod1)
# Convert the rules to the rules object in arules package.
rules.arules <- ore.pull(rules)
# Convert itemsets to the itemsets object in arules package.
itemsets.arules <- ore.pull(itemsets)
# Plot the rules graph.
plot(rules.arules, method = "graph", interactive = TRUE)

Listing for This Example

R> # Load the arules and arulesViz packages.
R> library(arules)
R> library(arulesViz)
R> # Create some transactional data.
R> id <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
R> item <- c("b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c", "e", "b", "c", "d", "e")
R> # Push the data to the database as an ore.frame object.
R> transdata_of <- ore.push(data.frame(ID = id, ITEM = item))
R> # Build a model with specifications.
R> ar.mod1 <- ore.odmAssocRules(~., transdata_of, case.id.column = "ID",
+             item.id.column = "ITEM", min.support = 0.6, min.confidence = 0.6,
+             max.rule.length = 3)
R> # Generate itemsets and rules of the model.
R> itemsets <- itemsets(ar.mod1)
R> rules <- rules(ar.mod1)
R> # Convert the rules to the rules object in arules package.
R> rules.arules <- ore.pull(rules)
R> inspect(rules.arules)          
   lhs    rhs   support confidence lift
1  {b} => {e} 1.0000000  1.0000000    1
2  {e} => {b} 1.0000000  1.0000000    1
3  {c} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
4  {d,                                 
    e} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
5  {c,                                 
    e} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
6  {b,                                 
    d} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
7  {b,                                 
    c} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
8  {d} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
9  {d} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
10 {c} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
11 {b} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
12 {b} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
13 {e} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
14 {e} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
15 {b,                                 
    e} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
16 {b,                                 
    e} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
R> # Convert itemsets to the itemsets object in arules package.
R> itemsets.arules <- ore.pull(itemsets)
R> inspect(itemsets.arules)
   items   support
1  {b}   1.0000000
2  {e}   1.0000000
3  {b,            
    e}   1.0000000
4  {c}   0.6666667
5  {d}   0.6666667
6  {b,            
    c}   0.6666667
7  {b,            
    d}   0.6666667
8  {c,            
    e}   0.6666667
9  {d,            
    e}   0.6666667
10 {b,            
    e}   0.6666667
11 {b,            
    e}   0.6666667

R> # Plot the rules graph.
R> plot(rules.arules, method = "graph", interactive = TRUE)

Figure 4-1 A Visual Demonstration of the Association Rules

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 A Visual Demonstration of the Association Rules"