Control Access to Datastores

With the ore.grant and ore.revoke functions you can grant or revoke access to an OML4R datastore.

With the ore.grant and ore.revoke functions, you can control access to datastores. You can grant read access to a specified user to a datastore that you own or revoke the access privilege. The functions ore.save, ore.load, ore.datastore, and ore.datastoreSummary have arguments related to the accessibility of datastores.


If you use ore.create to create a persistent database table and its proxy ore.frame object, then save the proxy ore.frame object in a grantable datastore, and then use ore.grant to grant read privilege access to the datastore, the access applies only to the ore.frame object. The read access does not extend to the persistent database table. To grant read permission to the table itself, you must run an appropriate SQL command.

Example 2-19 Granting and Revoking Access to a Datastore

This example pushes the airquality data set from the local R session to the Oracle database, where it exists as the ore.frame object AIRQUALITY and as a temporary database table with the same name. The example then saves the AIRQUALITY object to the datastore ds3 and specifies that access to the datastore can be granted to other users. It calls function ore.datastore with type = grantable to display all of the datastores to which read access has been granted. It grants the read privilege for the ds3 datastore to SCOTT. It then calls ore.datastore with type = grant to display the datastores to which read access has been granted. It revokes the read privilege for SCOTT, and again displays the datastores to which access has been granted.

AIRQUALITY <- ore.push(airquality)
ore.save(AIRQUALITY, name = "ds3", 
         description = "My datastore 3", grantable  = TRUE)
ore.datastore(type = "grantable")
ore.datastore(type = "grant")
ore.grant("ds3", type = "datastore", user = "SCOTT")
ore.datastore(type = "grant")
ore.revoke("ds3", type = "datastore", user = "SCOTT")
ore.datastore(type = "grant")

Listing for This Example

R> AIRQUALITY <- ore.push(airquality)
R> ore.save(AIRQUALITY, name = "ds3", 
+           description = "My datastore 3", grantable  = TRUE)
R> ore.datastore(type = "grantable")
  datastore.name object.count  size       creation.date    description
1            ds3            1  1451 2015-11-30 18:48:25 My datastore 3
R> ore.datastore(type = "grant")
[1] datastore.name grantee       
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
R> ore.grant("ds3", type = "datastore", user = "SCOTT")
R> ore.datastore(type = "grant")
  datastore.name grantee
1            ds3   SCOTT
R> ore.revoke("ds3", type = "datastore", user = "SCOTT")
R> ore.datastore(type = "grant")
[1] datastore.name grantee       
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)