Input Data

The ore.doEval and ore.indexApply functions do not automatically receive any data from the database.

They simply execute the function specified by the FUN or FUN.NAME argument. Any data needed by the input function is either generated within that function or explicitly retrieved from a data source such as Oracle Database, other databases, or flat files. The input function can load data from a file or a table using the ore.pull function or other transparency layer function.

The ore.tableApply, ore.groupApply, and ore.rowApply functions require a database table as input data. The table is represented by an ore.frame. You supply that data with an ore.frame object that you specify with the X argument, which is the first argument to the embedded R execution function. The embedded R execution function passes the ore.frame object to the user-defined input function as the first argument to that function.


The data represented by the ore.frame object passed to the user-defined R function is copied from Oracle Database to the database server R engine. The R memory limitations apply. If your database server machine has 32 GB RAM and your data table is 64 GB, then Oracle R Enterprise cannot load the data into the R engine memory.