6.3.3 Manage Datastores in SQL

Oracle Machine Learning for R provides PL/SQL procedures and Oracle Database data dictionary views for the basic management of datastores in SQL.

The following tables list the procedures and views.

Table 6-11 PL/SQL Procedures for Managing Datastores

PL/SQL Procedures Description
rqGrant Grants read privilege access to a datastore or script.
rqRevoke Revokes read privilege access to a datastore or script.
rqDropDataStore Deletes a datastore.

Table 6-12 Data Dictionary Views for Datastores

Views Description
ALL_RQ_DATASTORES Describes the datastores available to the current user, including whether the datastore is grantable.
RQUSER_DATASTORELIST Describes the datastores in the Oracle Database schema..
RQUSER_DATASTORECONTENTS Describes the objects in the datastores in the Oracle Database schema.
USER_RQ_DATASTORE_PRIVS Describes the datastores and the users to whom the current user has granted read privilege access.
USER_RQ_DATASTORES Describes the datastores owned by the current user, including whether the datastore is grantable.