2.2.3 Move Data to and from the Database

You can create a temporary database table, and its corresponding proxy ore.frame object, from a local R object with the ore.push function.

With the ore.pull function you can create a local R object that contains a copy of data represented by an OML4R proxy object.

The ore.push function translates an R object into an OML4R object of the appropriate data type. The ore.pull function takes an ore class object and returns an R object. If the input object is an ore.list, the ore.pull function creates a data.frame and translates each the data of each database column into the appropriate R representation.


You can pull data to a local R data.frame only if the data can fit into the R session memory. Also, even if the data fits in memory but is still very large, you may not be able to perform many, or any, R functions in the client R session.

Unless you explicitly save them, the temporary database tables and their corresponding OML4R proxy objects that you create with the ore.push function are discarded when you quit the R session.

See Also:

Example 2-16 Using ore.push and ore.pull to Move Data

This example demonstrates pushing an R data.frame object to the database as a temporary database table with an associated ore.frame object, iris_of, then creating another ore.frame object, iris_of_setosa, by selecting one column from iris_of, and then pulling the iris_of_setosa object into the local R session memory as a data.frame object. The example displays the class of some of the objects.

# Push the iris data frame to the database.
iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
# Display the data type of the Sepal.Length column in the data.frame.
# Display the data type of the Sepal.Length column in the ore.frame.
# Filter one column of the data set.
iris_of_setosa <- iris_of[iris_of$Species == "setosa", ]
# Pull the selected column into the local R client memory.
local_setosa = ore.pull(iris_of_setosa)
Listing for This Example
R> class(iris)
[1] "data.frame"
R> # Push the iris data frame to the database.
R> iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
R> class(iris_of)
[1] "ore.frame"
[1] "OREbase"
R> # Display the data type of the Sepal.Length column in the data.frame.
R> class(iris$Sepal.Length)
[1] "numeric"
R> # Display the data type of the Sepal.Length column in the ore.frame.
R> class(iris_of$Sepal.Length)
[1] "ore.numeric"
[1] "OREbase"
R> # Filter one column of the data set.
R> iris_of_setosa <- iris_of[iris_of$Species == "setosa", ]
R> class(iris_of_setosa)
[1] "ore.frame"
[1] "OREbase"
R> # Pull the selected column into the local R client memory.
R> local_setosa = ore.pull(iris_of_setosa)
R> class(local_setosa)
[1] "data.frame"