About OML4R Datastores

Each database schema has a table that stores named OML4R datastores.

A datastore can contain OML4R objects and standard R objects.

You create a datastore with the ore.save function. When you create a datastore, you specify a name for it. You can save objects in one or more datastores.

As long as a datastore contains an OML4R proxy object for a database object, the database object persists between R sessions. For example, you could use the ore.odmNB function in the OREdm package to build an Oracle Machine Learning for SQL Naive Bayes model. If you save the resulting ore.odmNB object in a datastore and end the R session, then Oracle Database does not delete the OML4SQL model. If no datastore contains the ore.odmNB object and the R session ends, then the database automatically drops the model.