A.5 rqRevoke Procedure

The rqRevoke procedure revokes read privilege access to an OML4R datastore or to a script in the OML4R script repository.


rqGrant (
    V_NAME     VARCHAR2     IN
    V_TYPE     VARCHAR2     IN
    V_USER     VARCHAR2     IN     DEFAULT)


Parameter Description
V_NAME The name of an OML4R datastore or a script in the OML4R script repository.
V_TYPE For a datastore, the type is datastore; for a script, the type is rqscript.
V_USER The name of the user from whom to revoke access.

Example A-7 Revoking Read Access to a Script

-- Revoke read privilege access to Scott.
  rqRevoke('myRandomRedDots2', 'rqscript', 'SCOTT');

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