3.2.9 Summarize Data

Summarize data with the aggregate function.

Example 3-6 Aggregating Data

This example pushes the iris data set to database memory as the ore.frame object iris_of. It aggregates the values of iris_of by the Species column using the length function. It then displays the first three rows of the result.

# Create a temporary database table from the iris data set and get an ore.frame.
iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
aggdata <- aggregate(iris_of$Sepal.Length,
                     by = list(species = iris_of$Species),
                     FUN = length)
head(aggdata, 3)
Listing for This Example
# Create a temporary database table from the iris data set and get an ore.frame.
R> iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
R> aggdata <- aggregate(iris_of$Sepal.Length,
+                      by = list(species = iris_of$Species),
+                      FUN = length)
R> head(aggdata, 3)
             species  x
setosa         setosa 50
versicolor versicolor 50
virginica   virginica 50