5.3 Install Oracle Machine Learning for R for Oracle RAC Without DCLI

How to install OML4R for an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database if DCLI is unavailable.

If the Distributed Command Line Interface (DCLI) is not available, you must install each of the following components individually on each database instance in the Oracle RAC cluster.

  • R or Oracle R Distribution
  • OML4R Server
  • OML4R supporting packages

The below section contains installation instructions for Oracle Database 19c.

Install OML4R in an Oracle 19c and Later RAC Environment

Following these step to install Oracle R Distribution, OML4R, and the OML4R supporting packages.

  1. Install Oracle R Distribution. See Install R for Oracle Machine Learning for R on On-Premises Oracle Database.
  2. Start SQL*Plus, log in to your PDB directly and run the rqcfg.sql script. The following example uses the PDB PDB1 and gives example values for the script arguments.
    SQL> sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=PDB1;
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/R/server/rqcfg.sql
    define permtbl = SYSAUX
    define temptbl = TEMP
    define orahome = /u01/app/oracle/product/
    define rhome = /usr/lib64/R
  3. At your operating system prompt, go to the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory and grant read and run permission to all users to the ORE directory.
    cd  $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    chmod 755 ORE
  4. Create a directory to contain the OML4R 1.5.1 supporting packages for your system and change directories to it. To that directory, download the supporting package zip file as described in Install the OML4R Supporting Packages.
  5. Extract the supporting packages.
  6. For each package, at your operating system command prompt, run the following command.
    ORE CMD INSTALL package