C.2 Install RStudio Server

RStudio Server is a Linux application that provides a web-based interface to R on a server.

To install RStudio Server for use with Oracle Machine Learning for R:

  1. Go to the RStudio website and navigate to the RStudio Server Download page. Download the server to your Linux system and follow the installation instructions.

  2. Create the file /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf. Add the values of R_HOME and ORACLE_HOME.

    sudo vi /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf

    Note: The default value of R_HOME on Linux is /usr/lib64/R.

  3. Create the configuration file /usr/lib64/R/etc/Renviron.site. Supply the values of ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_HOSTNAME, and ORACLE_SID. For example, using the BASH shell:

    cd /usr/lib64/R/etc
    sudo vi Renviron.site
  4. Restart the RStudio Server service as sudo or root:

    sudo rstudio-server restart

    Refer to the instructions for configuring the server. Return to the RStudio Server Download page, then navigate to the Configuring the Server article in the RStudio documentation.