7.2 Upgrade Oracle Machine Learning for R

You can upgrade OML4R from the previous release 1.5.1 to the current release 2.0.

To upgrade OML4R and migrate your data:

  1. Ensure that you have the version of R that is required for the release of OML4R that you are upgrading to. OML4R requires R 4.0.5.

    See the table of configuration requirements and server support in Oracle Machine Learning for R System Requirements for On-Premises Database for the R requirement.

    To upgrade R, do the following:

    1. Back up your OML4R user schema, data store objects, R scripts, and the RQSYS schema.

    2. Remove the Oracle R Distribution RPMs or open source R components.

    3. Install the required R version, then proceed to Step 2.

  2. To upgrade OML4R Server for Oracle Database Release 19c and 21c, run the server.sh or server.bat script to perform an upgrade.

    Instructions for upgrading from OML4R 1.5.1 to 2.0.

    1. Prepare the upgrade scripts
      1. Go to the Oracle Machine Learning for R Downloads page, accept the license agreement, and download the OML4R 2.0 Server packages to an installation directory, such as /oml4rserver_2.0_install_dir/.
      2. Go to the 2.0 installation directory and unzip the downloaded file.

        $ cd /oml4rserver_2.0_install_dir/

        $ unzip ore-server-platform-arch-2.0.zip

  3. Run the OML4R 2.0 server.sh or server.bat script. When the earlier version of OML4R server is detected, you are asked to confirm if you want to upgrade. Type Yes to start the upgrade or Type No to stop the process.

    $ cd /oml4rserver_2.0_install_dir/

    $ ./server.sh

    Oracle R Enterprise 2.0 Server.

    Copyright (c) 2012, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    Checking platform .................. Pass

    Checking R ......................... Pass

    Checking R libraries ............... Pass

    Checking ORACLE_HOME ............... Pass

    Checking ORACLE_SID ................ Pass

    Checking sqlplus ................... Pass

    Checking ORACLE instance ........... Pass

    Checking CDB/PDB ................... Fail

    ERROR: cannot install ORE in a root container

    PDB to use for ORE installation [list]: <PDB_NAME>

    Checking CDB/PDB ................... Pass

    Checking ORE ....................... Pass

    Current configuration

    R Version ........................ Oracle Distribution of R version 4.0.5 (--)

    R_HOME ...........................<R_HOME>

    R_LIBS_USER ......................<R_LIBS_USER>

    ORACLE_HOME ......................<ORACLE_HOME>

    ORACLE_SID ......................<ORACLE_SID>.

    PDB ..............................<PDB_NAME>

    Existing R Version ...............Oracle Distribution of R version 4.0.5 (--)

    Existing R_HOME ..................<R_HOME>

    Existing ORE data ................ 1.5.1

    Existing ORE code ................ 1.5.1

    Existing ORE libraries ........... 1.5.1



    Operation ........................Install/Upgrade Proceed? [yes] yes

    Removing R libraries ...............Pass

    Removing ORE libraries ............. Pass

    Installing R libraries ............. Pass

    Installing ORE libraries ........... Pass

    Upgrading RQSYS 1.5.1 .............. Pass

    Configuring ORE .................... Pass

    Removing ORE packages .............. Pass

    Installing ORE packages ............ Pass

    Removing ORE script ................ Pass

    Creating ORE script ................ Pass

    Installing supporting packages ..... Pass


  4. To upgrade OML4R Client, install the OML4R 2.0 client packages and supporting packages to overwrite the old packages.

    See Install the Oracle Machine Learning for R Packages and Install the OML4R Supporting Packages for instructions.