7.21 Text Processing Model

A text processing model uses ctx.settings arguments to specify Oracle Text attribute settings.

Example 7-26 Building a Text Processing Model

This example builds an ore.odmKMeans model that processes text. It uses the odm.settings and ctx.settings arguments. The figure following the example shows the output of the histogram(km.mod1) function.

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")

X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
km.mod1 <- NULL
km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)

km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1,X,type="class",supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x, 
	              y = km.res1.local$y), 
	              col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex=2)


# Text processing with ore.odmKMeans.
title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
	         'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
	         'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
	         'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',
	         'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
	         'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
	         'Road blocks for Aids')
response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')

# Text contents in a character column.
KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
			          RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))

# Create a text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required).
ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

# text column attributes.
km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
   odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
                       ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
                       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
                       kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
                       kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
   ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)

ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Listing for This Example

R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
R> km.mod1 <- NULL
R> km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)
R> km.mod1

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

R> summary(km.mod1)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

            x          y
2 -0.07638266 0.04449368
3  0.98493306 1.00864399

R> rules(km.mod1)
   cluster.id rhs.support rhs.conf lhr.support lhs.conf lhs.var lhs.var.support lhs.var.conf   predicate
1           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x <= 1.2209
2           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x >= -.6188
3           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444 y <= 1.1653
4           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444  y > -.3053
5           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793  x <= .4324
6           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793 x >= -.6188
7           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y <= .5771
8           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y > -.5995
9           3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841 x <= 1.7465
10          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841   x > .4324
11          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225 y <= 1.7536
12          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225   y > .2829

R> clusterhists(km.mod1)
   cluster.id variable bin.id lower.bound upper.bound               label count
1           1        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
2           1        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
3           1        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
4           1        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    11
5           1        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     8
6           1        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
7           1        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
8           1        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
9           1        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
10          1        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
11          1        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
12          1        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
13          1        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
14          1        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768    13
15          1        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
16          1        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
17          1        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
18          1        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
19          2        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
20          2        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
21          2        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
22          2        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    10
23          2        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     2
24          2        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702     0
25          2        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896     0
26          2        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     0
27          2        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     0
28          2        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
29          2        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
30          2        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
31          2        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
32          2        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     9
33          2        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114     0
34          2        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459     0
35          2        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     0
36          2        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     0
37          3        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     0
38          3        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077     0
39          3        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118     0
40          3        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312     1
41          3        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     6
42          3        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
43          3        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
44          3        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
45          3        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
46          3        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     0
47          3        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     0
48          3        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923     0
49          3        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423     0
50          3        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     4
51          3        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
52          3        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
53          3        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
54          3        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
R> histogram(km.mod1)
R> km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1, X, type="class", supplemental.cols = c("x","y"))
R> head(km.res1, 3)
            x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
R> plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x,
+                  y = km.res1.local$y), 
+                  col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
R>  points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex = 2)
R>  head(predict(km.mod1, X))
        '2'          '3' CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939          2
4 0.9997335 0.0002665114          2
5 0.9917773 0.0082226599          2
6 0.9771667 0.0228333398          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type=c("class","raw"),supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
        '2'          '3'           x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type="raw",supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
            x           y       '2'          '3'
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831 0.9992236 0.0007763706
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952 0.9971310 0.0028690375
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716 0.9974216 0.0025783939R> 
R> # Text processing with ore.odmKMeans.
R> title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
+             'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
+             'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
+             'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',                     
+             'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
+             'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
+             'Road blocks for Aids')
R>  response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')
R> # Text contents in a character column.
R> KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
+                                 RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))
R> # Create a text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required).
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")
R> # text column attributes.
R> km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
+    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
+                        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
+                        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
+    ctx.settings = list(TITLE="TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
R> summary(km.mod)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L, 
    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL", 
        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine", 
        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"), 
    ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                      cosine
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
odms.text.max.features                             3
odms.text.min.documents                            1
odms.text.policy.name                     ESA_TXTPOL
prep.auto                                         ON

2  0.5292307  0.7936566   0.7936566         NA
3         NA         NA          NA          1
R> settings(km.mod)
                   SETTING_NAME           SETTING_VALUE SETTING_TYPE
1                     ALGO_NAME             ALGO_KMEANS        INPUT
2             CLUS_NUM_CLUSTERS                       2        INPUT
3             KMNS_BLOCK_GROWTH                       2        INPUT
4           KMNS_CONV_TOLERANCE                    0.01        INPUT
5                  KMNS_DETAILS        KMNS_DETAILS_ALL        INPUT
6                 KMNS_DISTANCE             KMNS_COSINE        INPUT
7               KMNS_ITERATIONS                       3        INPUT
8     KMNS_MIN_PCT_ATTR_SUPPORT                     0.1        INPUT
9                 KMNS_NUM_BINS                      10        INPUT
10             KMNS_RANDOM_SEED                       0      DEFAULT
14       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES                       3        INPUT
15      ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS                       1        INPUT
16        ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME              ESA_TXTPOL        INPUT
17                    PREP_AUTO                      ON        INPUT
R> print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)
     '2'    '3' RESPONSE CLUSTER_ID
1 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
2 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
3 0.9325 0.0675     Mars          2
4 0.9691 0.0309     Mars          2
5 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
6 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
7 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Figure 7-5 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1

Description of Figure 7-5 follows
Description of "Figure 7-5 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1"