Algorithm Enhancements

Expectation Maximization (EM) is enhanced to resolve some challenges in its standard form.

Although EM is well established as a distribution-based algorithm, it presents some challenges in its standard form. The Oracle Machine Learning for SQL implementation includes significant enhancements, such as scalable processing of large volumes of data and automatic parameter initialization. The strategies that OML4SQL uses to address the inherent limitations of EM clustering and EM Anomaly are described further.


The EM abbreviation is used here to refer to general EM technique for probability density estimation that is common for both EM Clustering and EM Anomaly.

Limitations of Standard Expectation Maximization:

  • Scalability: EM has linear scalability with the number of records and attributes. The number of iterations to convergence tends to increase with growing data size (both rows and columns). EM convergence can be slow for complex problems and can place a significant load on computational resources.

  • High dimensionality: EM has limited capacity for modeling high dimensional (wide) data. The presence of many attributes slows down model convergence, and the algorithm becomes less able to distinguish between meaningful attributes and noise. The algorithm is thus compromised in its ability to find correlations.

  • Number of components: EM typically requires the user to specify the number of components. In most cases, this is not information that the user can know in advance.

  • Parameter initialization: The choice of appropriate initial parameter values can have a significant effect on the quality of the model. Initialization strategies that have been used for EM have generally been computationally expensive.

  • From components to clusters: In EM Clustering model, components are often treated as clusters. This approach can be misleading since cohesive clusters are often modeled by multiple components. Clusters that have a complex shape need to be modeled by multiple components. To accomplish this, the Oracle Machine Learning for SQL implementation of EM Clustering creates a component hierarchy based on the overlap of the distributions of the individual components. The OML4SQL EM Clustering algorithm employs agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The OML4SQL implementation of EM Custering produces an assignment of the model components to high-level clusters.

  • Anomaly Detection: In EM Anomaly detection, an anomaly probability is used to classify whether an object is normal or anomalous. The EM algorithm estimates the probability density of a data record which is mapped to a probability of an anomaly.