About Explicit Semantic Analysis

, Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) was introduced as an unsupervised algorithm for feature extraction and is enhanced as a supervised algorithm for classification.

As a feature extraction algorithm, ESA does not discover latent features but instead uses explicit features represented in an existing knowledge base. As a feature extraction algorithm, ESA is mainly used for calculating semantic similarity of text documents and for explicit topic modeling. As a classification algorithm, ESA is primarily used for categorizing text documents. Both the feature extraction and classification versions of ESA can be applied to numeric and categorical input data as well.

The input to ESA is a set of attributes vectors. Every attribute vector is associated with a concept. The concept is a feature in the case of feature extraction or a target class in the case of classification. For feature extraction, only one attribute vector may be associated with any feature. For classification, the training set may contain multiple attribute vectors associated with any given target class. These rows related to one target class are aggregated into one by the ESA algorithm.

The output of ESA is a sparse attribute-concept matrix that contains the most important attribute-concept associations. The strength of the association is captured by the weight value of each attribute-concept pair. The attribute-concept matrix is stored as a reverse index that lists the most important concepts for each attribute.


For feature extraction the ESA algorithm does not project the original feature space and does not reduce its dimensionality. ESA algorithm filters out features with limited or uninformative set of attributes.

The scope of classification tasks that ESA handles is different than the classification algorithms such as Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine. ESA can perform large scale classification with the number of distinct classes up to hundreds of thousands. The large scale classification requires gigantic training data sets with some classes having significant number of training samples whereas others are sparsely represented in the training data set.

While projecting a document to the ESA topic space produces a high-dimensional sparse vector, it is unsuitable as an input to other machine learning algorithms. Embeddings are added to address this issue. In natural language processing embeddings refer to a set of language modeling and feature learning techniques in which words, phrases, or documents are mapped to vectors of real numbers. It entails a mathematical transformation from a multi-dimensional space to a continuous vector space with a considerably smaller dimension. Embeddings are usually built on top of an existing knowledge base to gather context data. This method is used to map sparse high-dimensional vectors to dense lower-dimensional vectors while keeping the ESA context available to other machine learning algorithms. The output is a doc2vec (document to vector) mapping, which can be used instead of "bag of words" approach. ESA embeddings allow you to utilize ESA models to generate embeddings for any text or other ESA input. This includes, but is not limited to, embeddings for single words.

To lower the dimensionality of a set of points, a sparse version of the random projection algorithm is utilized. In random projections, the original data is projected into a suitable lower-dimensional space in such a way that the distances between the points are roughly preserved. When compared to other approaches, random projection methods are noted for their power, simplicity, and low error rates. Many natural language tasks apply random projection methods.

The following example displays the code snippet that defines ESA embeddings. You can use this example to create dense projections using ESA embeddings. The mining_build_text view is created from mining_data view in the dmsh.sql script. A text policy is created, transformations are set, and then a model is built using the CREATE_MODEL2 procedure.

  xformlist dbms_data_mining_transform.TRANSFORM_LIST;


  v_setlst('PREP_AUTO')               := 'ON';
  v_setlst('ALGO_NAME')               := 'ALGO_EXPLICIT_SEMANTIC_ANALYS';
  v_setlst('ESAS_MIN_ITEMS')          := '5';
  v_setlst('ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS') := '2';
  v_setlst('ESAS_EMBEDDING_SIZE')     := '1024';

    xformlist, 'comments', null, 'comments', 'comments',

    model_name          => 'ESA_text_sample_dense',
    mining_function     => 'FEATURE_EXTRACTION',
    data_query          => 'SELECT * FROM mining_build_text',
    case_id_column_name => 'cust_id',
    set_list            => v_setlst,
    xform_list          => xformlist);