About Exponential Smoothing

Exponential smoothing is a forecasting method for time series data. It is a moving average method where exponentially decreasing weights are assigned to past observations.

Exponential smoothing methods have been widely used in forecasting for over half a century. A forecast is a prediction based on historical data and patterns. preIt has applications at the strategic, tactical, and operation level. For example, at a strategic level, forecasting is used for projecting return on investment, growth and the effect of innovations. At a tactical level, forecasting is used for projecting costs, inventory requirements, and customer satisfaction. At an operational level, forecasting is used for setting targets and predicting quality and conformance with standards.

In its simplest form, exponential smoothing is a moving average method with a single parameter which models an exponentially decreasing effect of past levels on future values. With a variety of extensions, exponential smoothing covers a broader class of models than other well-known approaches, such as the Box-Jenkins auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) approach. Oracle Machine Learning for SQL implements exponential smoothing using a state of the art state space method that incorporates a single source of error (SSOE) assumption which provides theoretical and performance advantages.

Exponential smoothing is extended to the following:
  • A matrix of models that mix and match error type (additive or multiplicative), trend (additive, multiplicative, or none), and seasonality (additive, multiplicative, or none)

  • Models with damped trends.

  • Models that directly handle irregular time series and time series with missing values.

  • Multiple time series models

See Also:

Ord, J.K., et al, Time Series Forecasting: The Case for the Single Source of Error State Space Approach, Working Paper, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia, April 2, 2005.