Global Model Statistics for Logistic Regression

GLM generates global statistics for logistic regression, supporting model assessment.

Generalized Linear Model classification models generate the following statistics that describe the model as a whole:

  • Akaike's criterion for the fit of the intercept only model

  • Akaike's criterion for the fit of the intercept and the covariates (predictors) model

  • Schwarz's criterion for the fit of the intercept only model

  • Schwarz's criterion for the fit of the intercept and the covariates (predictors) model

  • -2 log likelihood of the intercept only model

  • -2 log likelihood of the model

  • Likelihood ratio degrees of freedom

  • Likelihood ratio chi-square probability value

  • Pseudo R-square Cox an Snell

  • Pseudo R-square Nagelkerke

  • Dependent mean

  • Percent of correct predictions

  • Percent of incorrect predictions

  • Percent of ties (probability for two cases is the same)

  • Number of parameters (the number of coefficients, including the intercept)

  • Number of rows

  • Whether or not the model converged

  • Whether or not a covariance matrix was computed.