Machine Learning Process

The lifecycle of a machine learning project is divided into six phases. The process begins by defining a business problem and restating the business problem in terms of a machine learning objective. The end goal of a machine learning process is to produce accurate results for solving your business problem.


The machine learning process workflow illustration is based on the CRISP-DM methodology. Each stage in the workflow is illustrated with points that summarize the key tasks. The CRISP-DM methodology is the most commonly used methodology for machine learning.

The following are the phases of the machine learning process:
  • Define business goals
  • Understand data
  • Prepare data
  • Develop models
  • Evaluate
  • Deploy
Each of these phases are described separately. The following figure illustrates machine learning process workflow.

Figure 1-3 Machine Learning Process Workflow

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 Machine Learning Process Workflow"

Define Business Goals

The first phase of machine learning process is to define business objectives. This initial phase of a project focuses on understanding the project objectives and requirements.

Once you have specified the problem from a business perspective, you can formulate it as a machine learning problem and develop a preliminary implementation plan. Identify success criteria to determine if the machine learning results meet the business goals defined. For example, your business problem might be: "How can I sell more of my product to customers?" You might translate this into a machine learning problem such as: "Which customers are most likely to purchase the product?" A model that predicts who is most likely to purchase the product is typically built on data that describes the customers who have purchased the product in the past.

To summarize, in this phase, you will:

  • Specify objectives
  • Determine machine learning goals
  • Define success criteria
  • Produce project plan

Understand Data

The data understanding phase involves data collection and exploration which includes loading the data and analyzing the data for your business problem.

Assess the various data sources and formats. Load data into appropriate data management tools, such as Oracle Database. Explore relationships in data so it can be properly integrated. Query and visualize the data to address specific data mining questions such as distribution of attributes, relationship between pairs or small number of attributes, and perform simple statistical analysis. As you take a closer look at the data, you can determine how well it can be used to addresses the business problem. You can then decide to remove some of the data or add additional data. This is also the time to identify data quality problems such as:
  • Is the data complete?
  • Are there missing values in the data?
  • What types of errors exist in the data and how can they be corrected?
To summarize, in this phase, you will:
  • Access and collect data
  • Explore data
  • Assess data quality

Prepare Data

The preparation phase involves finalizing the data and covers all the tasks involved in making the data in a format that you can use to build the model.

Data preparation tasks are likely to be performed multiple times, iteratively, and not in any prescribed order. Tasks can include column (attributes) selection as well as selection of rows in a table. You may create views to join data or materialize data as required, especially if data is collected from various sources. To cleanse the data, look for invalid values, foreign key values that don't exist in other tables, and missing and outlier values. To refine the data, you can apply transformations such as aggregations, normalization, generalization, and attribute constructions needed to address the machine learning problem. For example, you can transform a DATE_OF_BIRTH column to AGE; you can insert the median income in cases where the INCOME column is null; you can filter out rows representing outliers in the data or filter columns that have too many missing or identical values.

Additionally you can add new computed attributes in an effort to tease information closer to the surface of the data. This process is referred as Feature Engineering. For example, rather than using the purchase amount, you can create a new attribute: "Number of Times Purchase Amount Exceeds $500 in a 12 month time period." Customers who frequently make large purchases can also be related to customers who respond or don't respond to an offer.

Thoughtful data preparation and feature engineering that capture domain knowledge can significantly improve the patterns discovered through machine learning. Enabling the data professional to perform data assembly, data preparation, data transformations, and feature engineering inside the Oracle Database is a significant distinction for Oracle.


Oracle Machine Learning supports Automatic Data Preparation (ADP), which greatly simplifies the process of data preparation.

To summarize, in this phase, you will:
  • Clean, join, and select data
  • Transform data
  • Engineer new features

Develop Models

In this phase, you select and apply various modeling techniques and tune the algorithm parameters, called hyperparameters, to desired values.

If the algorithm requires specific data transformations, then you need to step back to the previous phase to apply them to the data. For example, some algorithms allow only numeric columns such that string categorical data must be "exploded" using one-hot encoding prior to modeling. In preliminary model building, it often makes sense to start with a sample of the data since the full data set might contain millions or billions of rows. Getting a feel for how a given algorithm performs on a subset of data can help identify data quality issues and algorithm setting issues sooner in the process reducing time-to-initial-results and compute costs. For supervised learning problem, data is typically split into train (build) and test data sets using an 80-20% or 60-40% distribution. After splitting the data, build the model with the desired model settings. Use default settings or customize by changing the model setting values. Settings can be specified through OML's PL/SQL, R and Python APIs. Evaluate model quality through metrics appropriate for the technique. For example, use a confusion matrix, precision, and recall for classification models; RMSE for regression models; cluster similarity metrics for clustering models and so on.

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) features may also be employed to streamline the iterative modeling process, including algorithm selection, attribute (feature) selection, and model tuning and selection.

To summarize, in this phase, you will:
  • Explore different algorithms
  • Build, evaluate, and tune models

Splitting the Data

Separate data sets are required for building (training) and testing some predictive models. Typically, one large table or view is split into two data sets: one for building the model, and the other for testing the model.

The build data (training data) and test data must have the same column structure. The process of applying the model to test data helps to determine whether the model, built on one chosen sample, is generalizable to other data.

You need two case tables to build and validate supervised (like classification and regression) models. One set of rows is used for training the model, another set of rows is used for testing the model. It is often convenient to derive the build data and test data from the same data set. For example, you could randomly select 60% of the rows for training the model; the remaining 40% could be used for testing the model. Models that implement unsupervised machine learning techniques, such as attribute importance, clustering, association, or feature extraction, do not use separate test data.


At this stage of the project, it is time to evaluate how well the model satisfies the originally-stated business goal.

During this stage, you will determine how well the model meets your business objectives and success criteria. If the model is supposed to predict customers who are likely to purchase a product, then does it sufficiently differentiate between the two classes? Is there sufficient lift? Are the trade-offs shown in the confusion matrix acceptable? Can the model be improved by adding text data? Should transactional data such as purchases (market-basket data) be included? Should costs associated with false positives or false negatives be incorporated into the model?

It is useful to perform a thorough review of the process and determine if important tasks and steps are not overlooked. This step acts as a quality check based on which you can determine the next steps such as deploying the project or initiate further iterations, or test the project in a pre-production environment if the constraints permit.

To summarize, in this phase, you will:
  • Review business objectives
  • Assess results against success criteria
  • Determine next steps


Deployment is the use of machine learning within a target environment. In the deployment phase, one can derive data driven insights and actionable information.

Deployment can involve scoring (applying a model to new data), extracting model details (for example the rules of a decision tree), or integrating machine learning models within applications, data warehouse infrastructure, or query and reporting tools.

Because Oracle Machine Learning builds and applies machine learning models inside Oracle Database, the results are immediately available. Reporting tools and dashboards can easily display the results of machine learning. Additionally, machine learning supports scoring single cases or records at a time with dynamic, batch, or real-time scoring. Data can be scored and the results returned within a single database transaction. For example, a sales representative can run a model that predicts the likelihood of fraud within the context of an online sales transaction.

To summarize, in this phase, you will:
  • Plan enterprise deployment
  • Integrate models with application for business needs
  • Monitor, refresh, retire, and archive models
  • Report on model effectiveness

Supervised Learning: Testing

Testing evaluates the model's generalizability to new data, ensuring it avoids overfitting and accurately predicts outcomes.

The process of applying the model to test data helps to determine whether the model, built on one chosen sample, is generalizable to other data. In other words, test data is used for scoring. In particular, it helps to avoid the phenomenon of overfitting, which can occur when the logic of the model fits the build data too well and therefore has little predictive power.

Supervised Learning: Scoring

Scoring applies the model to new data to make predictions, using techniques like classification and regression for different types of data.

Apply data, also called scoring data, is the actual population to which a model is applied. For example, you might build a model that identifies the characteristics of customers who frequently buy a certain product. To obtain a list of customers who shop at a certain store and are likely to buy a related product, you might apply the model to the customer data for that store. In this case, the store customer data is the scoring data.

Most supervised learning can be applied to a population of interest. The principal supervised machine learning techniques, classification and regression, can both be used for scoring.

Oracle Machine Learning does not support the scoring operation for attribute importance, another supervised technique. Models of this type are built on a population of interest to obtain information about that population; they cannot be applied to separate data. An attribute importance model returns and ranks the attributes that are most important in predicting a target value.

Oracle Machine Learning supports the supervised machine learning techniques described in the following table:

Table 1-6 Oracle Machine Learning Supervised Techniques

Technique Description Sample Problem

Attribute Importance

Identifies the attributes that are most important in predicting a target attribute

Given customer response to an affinity card program, find the most significant predictors


Assigns items to discrete classes and predicts the class to which an item belongs

Given demographic data about a set of customers, predict customer response to an affinity card program


Approximates and forecasts continuous values

Given demographic and purchasing data about a set of customers, predict customers' age

Unsupervised Learning: Scoring

Scoring in unsupervised learning applies models to data for clustering and feature extraction, revealing hidden patterns and structures.

Although unsupervised machine learning does not specify a target, most unsupervised learning can be applied to a population of interest. For example, clustering models use descriptive machine learning techniques, but they can be applied to classify cases according to their cluster assignments. Anomaly Detection, although unsupervised, is typically used to predict whether a data point is typical among a set of cases.

Oracle Machine Learning supports the scoring operation for Clustering and Feature Extraction, both unsupervised machine learning techniques. Oracle Machine Learning does not support the scoring operation for Association Rules, another unsupervised function. Association models are built on a population of interest to obtain information about that population; they cannot be applied to separate data. An association model returns rules that explain how items or events are associated with each other. The association rules are returned with statistics that can be used to rank them according to their probability.

OML supports the unsupervised techniques described in the following table:

Table 1-7 Oracle Machine Learning Unsupervised Techniques

Function Description Sample Problem

Anomaly Detection

Identifies items (outliers) that do not satisfy the characteristics of "normal" data

Given demographic data about a set of customers, identify customer purchasing behavior that is significantly different from the norm

Association Rules

Finds items that tend to co-occur in the data and specifies the rules that govern their co-occurrence

Find the items that tend to be purchased together and specify their relationship


Finds natural groupings in the data

Segment demographic data into clusters and rank the probability that an individual belongs to a given cluster

Feature Extraction

Creates new attributes (features) using linear combinations of the original attributes

Given demographic data about a set of customers, group the attributes into general characteristics of the customers