Singular Vectors

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) initiates CUR Matrix Decomposition by providing singular vectors essential for calculating leverage scores.

SVD returns left and right singular vectors for calculating column and row leverage scores. Perform SVD on the following matrix:

A ε Rmxn

The matrix is factorized as follows:


where U = [u1] and V = [v1] are orthogonal matrices.

Σ is a diagonal m × n matrix with non-negative real numbers σ1,...,σρ on the diagonal, where ρ = min {m,n} and σξ is the ξth singular value of A.

Let uξ and vξ be the ξth left and right singular vector of A, the jth column of A can thus be approximated by the top k singular vectors and corresponding singular values as:

where vξj is the jth coordinate of the ξth right singular vector.