OracleBulkCopy(string, OracleBulkCopyOptions)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopy class by first creating an OracleConnection object based on the supplied connectionString, then initializing the new OracleBulkCopy object with the OracleConnection object and the supplied OracleBulkCopyOptions enumeration values.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopy(string connectionString, OracleBulkCopyOptions copyOptions);


  • connectionString

    The connection information used to connect to the Oracle database to perform the bulk copy operation.

  • copyOptions

    The combination of OracleBulkCopyOptions enumeration values that determine the behavior of the bulk copy operation.


ArgumentNullException - The connectionString is null.

ArgumentException - The connectionString parameter is empty.


The constructor uses the new instance of the OracleConnection class to initialize a new instance of the OracleBulkCopy class. The OracleBulkCopy instance behaves according to options supplied in the copyOptions parameter.

The connection is automatically closed when the OracleBulkCopy instance is closed.

The Connection property is set to an OracleConnection object initialized using the supplied connectionString.