
The GetOutcome method retrieves the transaction outcome from the database server. The method will determine whether the transaction committed and completed or not.

Overload List:

  • GetOutcome(string constring, byte[] ltxid, out bool? bCommitted, out bool? bUserCallCompleted)

    The application can use this static method to determine the outcome if the outcome was not known when the exception was raised.

    The application will need to obtain the connection string and logical transaction id from the OracleException.OracleLogicalTransaction object before calling this method.

    The supplied connection string will be used to establish a connection to the database to determine the outcome of the provided logical transaction id.

    ODP.NET implicitly calls GetOutcome under the following conditions:

    • Transaction Guard is enabled on the service

    • OracleException is raised

    • The exception is a recoverable error

    When all of the above is true, then the OracleException.OracleLogicalTransaction property will be non-null.

    If a connection is involved in a distributed transaction, then GetOutcome is not called implicitly and the OracleException.OracleLogicalTransaction.LogicalTransactionId property returns null.


Once one server round-trip is incurred for the GetOutcome() invocation, the PL/SQL ForceOutcome is never invoked again against the server for a given OracleLogicalTransaction object.