
Overrides Object

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to a string.


// C#
public override string ToString();

Return Value

A string that represents the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure.


The returned value is a string representation of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampTZFormat property of the thread. The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the OracleGlobalization.DateLanguage and the OracleGlobalization.Calendar properties of the thread. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used.


// C#
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
class ToStringSample
  static void Main()
    // Set the nls parameters for the current thread
    OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo();
    info.TimeZone = "US/Eastern";
    info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM";
    info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR";
    // Create an OracleTimeStampTZ in US/Pacific time zone
    OracleTimeStampTZ tstz1=new OracleTimeStampTZ("11-NOV-1999 "+
      "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific");
    // Note that ToOracleTimeStampTZ uses the thread's time zone region,
    // "US/Eastern"
    OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM");
    OracleTimeStampTZ tstz2 = ts.ToOracleTimeStampTZ();
    // Calculate the difference between tstz1 and tstz2
    OracleIntervalDS idsDiff = tstz1.GetDaysBetween(tstz2);
    // Prints "US/Pacific"
    Console.WriteLine("tstz1.TimeZone = " + tstz1.TimeZone); 
    // Prints "US/Eastern"
    Console.WriteLine("tstz2.TimeZone = " + tstz2.TimeZone); 
    // Prints 3
    Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Hours = " + idsDiff.Hours); 
    // Prints 0
    Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Minutes = " + idsDiff.Minutes);    