
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • .NET custom types 3.15
  • .NET Framework datatype 3.9
  • .NET languages 1.1.1, 1.1.2
  • .NET products and documentation 1.1
  • .NET stored procedures and functions 5.1
  • .NET Stream class 3.13.2
  • .NET type accessors
  • .NET Types



  • batch processing 3.8.4
  • BatchUpdate
  • behavior of ExecuteScalar method for REF CURSOR 3.11.7
  • BFILE 3.13
  • binding 3.8.3
  • BLOB 3.13
  • bulk copy constraints 3.16
  • bulk copy feature 3.16




  • Easy Connect naming method
  • EDM type facets 4.3.1
  • EDM types 4.3
    • and Oracle data types 4.3
  • end-to-end tracing 3.3.23
  • EnlistDistributedTransaction method 3.3.22
  • Entity Framework 4
  • enumeration type
  • error handling
  • example
  • examples
  • ExecuteNonQuery method 3.11.5
  • ExecuteScalar method 3.11.7
  • explicit user connections 5


  • failover 3.3.24
    • registering an event handler 3.3.24
  • FailoverEvent Enumeration
  • FailoverReturnCode Enumeration
  • FailoverType Enumeration
  • Fast Application Notification (FAN) 3.4.1
  • Fast Connection Failover (FCF) 3.4.3
  • FCF 3.4.4
  • features 3
  • FetchSize property
  • file locations 2.4.1, 2.5.2



  • HA events 2.16
  • HA Events 3.3.2
  • handling date and time format
  • high availability 3.4


  • implicit database connection 5, 5.2.1, 5.2.2,
  • implicit REF CURSOR 3.12
  • improving default mapping
  • inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value
  • inference of DbType from OracleDbType
  • inference of OracleDbType from DbType
  • inference of types
  • InitialLOBFetchSize property 3.10.3
  • InitialLONGFetchSize property 3.10.2
  • input binding
  • insert triggers 3.16.4
  • installation 2.4, 2.5
    • Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2.4
    • Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Manager Provider 2.5
    • XCopy class 2.4, 2.5
  • integrated help 2.4, 2.5
  • interference in OracleParameter class
  • introduction, overview 1.2
  • INullable Interface
  • invalidation message 3.18.1
    • ensuring persistency of 3.18.2
  • IOracleArrayTypeFactory Interface
  • IOracleCustomTypeFactory Interface
  • IOracleCustomType Interface



  • machine.config 2.8
  • machine.config file 2.4, 2.5
  • metadata 3.21.3
  • method invocation
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.1
  • Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library 1.2
  • Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) 1.1.3
  • Microsoft Hotfix
  • multiple notification requests 3.18.2
  • multiple tables


  • namespace
    • Oracle.DataAccess.Types 1.3.4
  • native XML support 3.14
  • NCLOB 3.13
  • nested table types 3.15.1
  • notification framework 3.18.1
  • notification information
  • notification process
  • notification registration 3.18.2
  • NULL values
  • number of rows fetched in round-trip


  • object data type support 3.15
  • object-relational data
  • object types 3.15.1
  • obtaining an OracleRefCursor 3.11.1
  • obtaining a REF CURSOR 3.11.2, 3.11.4
  • obtaining data from an OracleDataReader 3.10
  • obtaining LOB data
    • InitialLOBFetchSize property 3.10.3
  • obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data 3.10.2
  • OCI
    • statement caching 3.8.5
    • installing 2.4
  • ODP.NET Configuration 2.8
  • ODP.NET LOB classes 3.13
  • ODP.NET Type accessors
  • ODP.NET Type classes 3.9
  • ODP.NET Type exceptions 15
  • ODP.NET Types 3.9
  • ODP.NET Type structures 3.9, 14
  • ODP.NET within a .NET stored procedure
    • limitations and restrictions 5.2
    • transaction support 5.2.2
    • unsupported SQL commands 5.2.3
  • ODP.NET XML Support 3.14
  • OnChangedEventArgs Class
  • OnChangeEventHandler Delegate
    • description 9.4
  • operating system authentication 3.3.17
  • Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace 1.3
  • Oracle.DataAccess.dll 1.3
  • Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace 1.3, 1.3.4
  • OracleAQAgent
  • OracleAQAgent Class
  • OracleAQDequeueMode Enumeration
  • OracleAQDequeueOptions Class
  • OracleAQEnqueueOptions Class
  • OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs Class
  • OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler Delegate
  • OracleAQMessage Class
  • OracleAQMessageDeliveryMode Enumeration
  • OracleAQMessageState Enumeration
  • OracleAQMessageType Enumeration
  • OracleAQNavigationMode Enumeration
  • OracleAQNotificationGroupingType Enumeration
  • OracleAQNotificationType Enumeration
  • OracleAQQueue Class
  • OracleAQVisibilityMode Enumeration
  • OracleArrayMappingAttribute Class
  • OracleBFile Class
  • OracleBinary Structure
  • OracleBlob Class
  • OracleBulkCopy Class
  • OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Class
  • OracleBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Class
  • OracleBulkCopyOptions Enumeration
  • Oracle Call Interface
    • statement caching 3.8.5
  • OracleClientFactory 2.4, 2.5
  • OracleClientFactory class
    • instantiating 3.1
  • OracleClientFactory Class
  • OracleClob Class
  • OracleCollectionType Enumeration 6.33
  • OracleCommand
    • constructors 6.2.2
    • InitialLOBFetchSize property 3.10.3
    • InitialLONGFetchSize property 3.10.2
    • Transaction property 3.8
  • OracleCommandBuilder Class 3.21.3
  • OracleCommand Class
  • OracleCommand object 3.8
  • OracleCommand properties
  • OracleCommand Transaction object 3.8.1
  • OracleConfiguration
  • OracleConfiguration Class
  • OracleConnection
  • OracleConnection class
  • OracleConnection Class
  • OracleConnectionOpenEventArgs
  • OracleConnectionOpenEventArgs Class 6.6
  • OracleConnectionOpenEventHandler Delegate 6.7
  • OracleConnectionStringBuilder class
  • OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class
  • OracleConnectionType Enumeration
  • OracleCredential 3.3.19
  • OracleCredential Class 6.9
  • OracleCustomTypeMappingAttribute Class
  • OracleDataAdapter 3.19
  • OracleDataAdapter class
  • OracleDataAdapter Class 6.10
  • OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping 3.19
  • OracleDatabase Class
  • OracleDatabase Constructors 6.11.2
  • Oracle Database Extensions for .NET 1.1.3, 5
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET
    • installing 2.4
    • system requirements 2.1
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver
    • installing 2.5
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET assembly 1.3
  • OracleDataReader 3.10, 3.10.2
  • OracleDataReader Class
  • OracleDataReader Class SchemaTable
  • OracleDataSourceCollection
  • OracleDataSourceCollection Class
  • OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class
  • OracleDataSource Enumerator class
  • Oracle data types 4.3
    • and EDM types 4.3
    • mapping and customizing 4.4
  • OracleDate Structure
  • OracleDBAPrivilege Enumeration
  • OracleDBShutdownMode Enumeration
  • OracleDBStartupMode Enumeration
  • OracleDbType
  • OracleDbType enumeration
  • OracleDbType Enumeration
  • OracleDbType enumeration type, 6.37
  • OracleDecimal Structure
    • constructors 14.4.2
    • description 14.4
    • instance methods 14.4.12
    • members 14.4.1
    • properties 14.4.11
    • static comparison methods 14.4.4
    • static comparison operators 14.4.8
    • static logarithmic methods 14.4.6
    • static manipulation methods 14.4.5
    • static operators, .NET Type to OracleDecimal 14.4.9
    • static operators, OracleDecimal to .NET 14.4.10
    • static trignonmetric methods 14.4.7
  • OracleDependency Class
  • Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 1.1.2
  • OracleDRCPPurity Enumeration
  • OracleError Class
  • OracleErrorCollection
  • OracleErrorCollection Class 6.16
  • OracleException
  • OracleException Class 6.17
  • OracleFailoverEventArgs
  • OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate
  • OracleGlobalization Class
  • OracleHAEventArgs Class
  • OracleHAEventHandler Delegate
    • description 8.2
  • OracleHAEventSource Enumeration
    • description 8.3
  • OracleHAEventStatus Enumeration
    • description 8.4
  • OracleIdentityType Enumeration
  • OracleInfoMessageEventArgs
  • OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate 6.19
  • OracleIntervalDS Structure
  • OracleIntervalYM Structure
  • Oracle Label Security 3.3.23
  • Oracle native types 3.9
  • OracleNotificationEventArgs Class
    • change notification 3.18.1
    • class description 9.3
    • instance methods 9.3.5
  • OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration
    • description 9.8
  • OracleNotificationRequest Class
    • change notification 3.18.1
    • class description 9.2
    • Continuous Query Notification 3.18
    • instance methods 9.2.4
    • instance properties 9.2.3
    • members 9.2.1
    • static methods 9.2.2
  • OracleNotificationSource Enumeration
    • description 9.7
  • OracleNotificationType Enumeration
    • description 9.6
  • OracleNullValueException Class
  • OracleObjectMappingAttribute Class
  • OracleOnsServerCollection
  • OracleOnsServerCollection Class
  • OracleParameter
  • OracleParameter array bind feature
  • OracleParameter Class 6.22
  • OracleParameterCollection
  • OracleParameterCollection Class 6.23
  • OracleParameter object 3.8.3
    • OracleDbType enumerated values
  • OracleParameter property
  • OracleParameterStatus Enumeration
  • OracleParameterStatus enumeration type, 6.40
  • OraclePermissionAttribute Class
  • Oraclepermission Class
  • OraclePermission Class
  • Oracle Providers for ASP.NET 1.1.4
  • Oracle RAC 3.4
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) 3.4
  • OracleRef Class
  • OracleRefCursor 3.11
  • OracleRefCursor Class
  • OracleRowsCopiedEventArgs Class
  • OracleRowsCopiedEventHandler Delegate
  • OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs
  • OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class 6.26
  • OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate 6.27
  • OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs
  • OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class 6.28
  • OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate 6.29
  • OracleShardingKey
  • OracleShardingKey Class 6.30
  • OracleString Structure
  • OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure
  • OracleTimeStamp Structure
  • OracleTimeStampTZ Structure
  • OracleTransaction
  • OracleTransaction Class
    • class description 6.31
  • OracleTruncateException Class
  • OracleTypeException Class
  • Oracle UDT attribute mappings 3.15.5
  • OracleUdt Class
  • OracleUdtFetchOption Enumeration
  • OracleUdtStatus Enumeration
  • Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) 2.4, 2.5
  • Oracle user-defined types 3.15
  • Oracle User-Defined Types (UDTs) 3.15.1
  • Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) 3.3.23
  • OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration 7.1
  • Oracle XML DB 3.14.1
  • OracleXmlQueryProperties Class
  • OracleXmlSaveProperties Class 7.3
  • OracleXmlStream Class
  • OracleXmlType Class 3.14.3
  • outages 3.4.4


  • parameter binding 3.8.3
  • parameter binding with OracleParameter 3.15.8
  • password expiration 3.3.20
  • passwords in code examples
  • performance 3.4, 3.8.5
  • performance counters
  • PL/SQL Associative Array binding
  • PL/SQL Index-By Tables
  • PL/SQL language 3.11
  • PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor 3.11
  • planned outage 3.4.4
  • PLSQLAssociativeArray 6.33
  • pool size attributes
  • populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR 3.11.3
  • populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR 3.11.5
  • populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR 3.11.4
  • populating the DataSet with generic and custom objects 3.15.9
  • port
    • listen for database notifications 2.16
  • porting
    • client application to .NET stored procedure 5.3
  • port number
  • preventing data loss 3.19, 3.19.2
  • preventing logical corruption 3.5
  • PrimaryKey property 3.21
  • privileged connections 3.3.18
  • promotable transactions 3.8.2
  • properties
  • provider factory classes 3.1
  • proxy authentication 3.3.21


  • query result set



  • SafeMapping Property 3.19.2
  • Safe Type Mapping 3.19
  • samples 2.4.1, 2.5.2
  • Samples 1.5
  • saving changes
  • saving change using an XML document
  • schema metadata
  • SchemaTable
  • search order
  • SecureFiles 3.13
  • SelectCommand property 3.11.4
  • session globalization parameters
  • session globalization settings
  • Shutdown method
  • simple application 1.5
  • Size property
  • SQL commands
  • Startup method
  • StatementCacheWithUdts 3.15.11
  • Statement Caching
    • connection string attributes
    • methods and properties
    • Statement Cache Purge 3.8.5
    • Statement Cache Size 3.8.5
  • stored procedures and functions 3.11.8, 5.1
  • Stream class 3.13.2
  • support comparison
    • client application versus .NET stored procedure 5.3
  • SYSDBA privileges 3.3.18
  • SYSOPER privileges 3.3.18
  • System.Transactions support 3.8.2
  • system requirements
    • Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2.1



  • UDT
  • UdtCacheSize 3.15.11
  • UDT metadata retrieval from OracleDataReader 3.15.7
  • UDTs 3.15
    • collection types 3.15.1
    • configuration settings 3.15.11
    • object types 3.15.1
    • parameter binding with OracleParameter 3.15.8
    • retrieving from OracleDataReader 3.15.6
    • samples 16
  • UDTs (Oracle User-Defined Types) 3.15.1
  • UdtTypeName property 3.15.8
  • unique columns 3.10.2, 3.10.3
  • UniqueConstraint 3.21.2
  • unique constraint 3.10.2, 3.10.3
  • unique index 3.10.2, 3.10.3
  • uniqueness
    • in updating DataSet to database 3.21
  • uniqueness in DataRows 3.21.1
  • unmanaged DLLs
  • unmanged DLLs
  • unsupported SQL commands 5.2.3
  • updating
  • updating a DataSet obtained from a REF CURSOR 3.11.6
  • updating LOBs using a DataSet 3.13.3
  • updating LOBs using ODP.NET LOB objects 3.13.5
  • updating LOBs using OracleCommand and OracleParameter 3.13.4
  • updating without PrimaryKey and Constraints 3.21.3
  • UserCallCompleted public read-only property
  • user-defined types 3.15
  • using FetchSize property