Description of the illustration adxdk055.gif

An oval labeled “new DOMParser()” has two outgoing arrows and one incoming arrow. It also has an associated list of “Available properties”. One of the outgoing arrows leads to an oval labeled “XMLParser.parse()”. That oval has an incoming arrow from an oval labeled “file, string buffer, or URL xml input” and a dotted incoming arrow from an oval labeled “DOMParser.reset()”. It also has an outgoing arrow to an oval labeled “XMLParser.getDocument”. The XMLParser.getDocument oval has an arrow leading to an oval labeled “DOM document”. The DOM-document oval has an arrow leading to an oval labeled “Apply other DOM methods”, which has two associated notes: “Typically Node class methods” and “To print, use the print() method. This is a nonstandard DOM method”. The Apply-other-DOM-methods oval has an arrow leading to the oval labeled “DOMParser.reset()”. The other outgoing arrow from oval “new DOMParser()” leads to an oval labeled “XMLParser.parseDTD()”. That oval has an arrow leading to an oval labeled “XMLParser.getDocumentType()”. That oval has an arrow leading to an oval labeled “DTD object”. Oval DTD-object has an arrow that leads back to the oval labeled “new DOMParser()”.