Description of the illustration adxdk120.gif

An arrow leads from an oval labeled “XML Pipeline document” to an oval labeled “new FileReader()”. An arrow leads from the “new FileReader()” oval to an oval labeled “new PiplineDoc()”. An arrow leads from the “new PiplineDoc()” oval to an oval labeled “setPipelineDoc()”. An arrow leads from the “setPipelineDoc()” oval to an oval labeled “setExecutionMode()”, which has an associated callout of “Available parameters”. An arrow leads from the “setExecutionMode()” oval to an oval labeled “setErrorHandler()”, which has an associated callout of “Error handler must implement Pipeline Error Handler Interface”. An arrow leads from the An arrow leads from the “setErrorHandler()” oval to an oval labeled “executePipeline()”. An arrow leads from an oval labeled “new PipelineProcessor()”, which has an associated callout of “Available methods”, to the “setPipelineDoc()” oval.