Description of the illustration adxdk121.gif

An arrow leads from an oval labeled “new XMLDiff()” to an oval labeled “XMLDiff.setFiles()”. An arrow leads from an oval labeled “XML Document 1” to an oval labeled “New File()”. An arrow leads from an oval labeled “XML Document 2” to a second (different) oval labeled “New File()”. Arrows lead from the two ovals labeled “New File()” to oval “XMLDiff.setFiles()”. An arrow leads from oval “XMLDiff.setFiles()” to an oval labeled “XMLDiff.diff()”, which has an associated callout “Returns false if the same, true if different”. An arrow leads from oval “XMLDiff.setFiles()” to an oval labeled “XMLDiff.generateXSLDoc()”, which has an associated callout “Returns XSL stylesheet as an XMLDocument that shows differences”. An arrow leads from oval “XMLDiff.generateXSLDoc()” to an oval labeled “Display the DOMs created by XMLDiff”, which has an associated callout “Available methods: getDocument1(), getDocument2(0, getDiffPane1(), and getDiffPane2()”.