
This method returns the count of profiles where the last activity date is on or before the specified date and time.


// C#
public override int GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles
  (ProfileAuthenticationOption profileAuthenticationOption, 
   DateTime inactiveSinceDateTime);


  • profileAuthenticationOption

    Anonymous, Authenticated, or All profiles to be searched.

  • inactiveSinceDateTime

    The cut-off date and time that indicate a profile is inactive.

Return Value

An integer value indicating the number of user profiles that match the inactive date and time supplied.


This method returns a count of inactive profiles from the data source for the application specified by the applicationName attribute in the configuration file. The profileAuthenticationOption parameter specifies whether to search only anonymous profiles, only authenticated profiles, or all profiles. Of the searched user profiles, any profiles with a last activity date and time on or before the specified inactiveSinceDateTime parameter value are counted.