C Diagnostics Collection Script

Running diagnostics collection script provide additional information so My Oracle Support can resolve problems.


diagcollection.pl {--collect [--crs | --acfs | -all] [--chmos [--incidenttime time [--incidentduration time]]] [--adr location [--aftertime time [--beforetime time]]] [--crshome path | --clean | --coreanalyze}]


Prefix diagcollection.pl script arguments with two dashes (--).


Table C-1 diagcollection.pl Script Parameters

Parameter Description

Use this parameter with any of the following arguments:

  • --crs: Use this argument to collect Oracle Clusterware diagnostic information

  • --acfs: Use this argument to collect Oracle ACFS diagnostic information

    Note: You can only use this argument on UNIX systems.

  • --all: (default) Use this argument to collect all diagnostic information except Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data.

  • --chmos: Use this argument to collect the following Cluster Health Monitor diagnostic information

    --incidenttime time: Use this argument to collect Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data from the specified time

    Note: The time format is MM/DD/YYYYHH24:MM:SS.

    --incidentduration time: Use this argument with --incidenttime to collect Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data for the duration after the specified time

    Note: The time format is HH:MM. If you do not use --incidentduration, then all Cluster Health Monitor (OS) data after the time you specify in --incidenttime is collected.

  • --adr location: The Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (ADRCI) uses this argument to specify a location in which to collect diagnostic information for ADR

  • --aftertime time: Use this argument with the --adr argument to collect archives after the specified time

    Note: The time format is YYYYMMDDHHMISS24.

  • --beforetime time: Use this argument with the --adr argument to collect archives before the specified time

    Note: The time format is YYYYMMDDHHMISS24.

  • --crshome path: Use this argument to override the location of the Oracle Clusterware home

    Note: The diagcollection.pl script typically derives the location of the Oracle Clusterware home from the system configuration (either the olr.loc file or the Microsoft Windows registry), so this argument is not required.


Use this parameter to clean up the diagnostic information gathered by the diagcollection.pl script.

Note: You cannot use this parameter with --collect.


Use this parameter to extract information from core files and store it in a text file.

Note: You can only use this parameter on UNIX systems.

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