
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  X  


  • adding Oracle ASM listener 1
    • Used to create disk groups for older Oracle Database releases on Oracle ASM 1
  • asmdba groups
    • creating 1
  • asmoper group
    • creating 1
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) 1


  • backupdba group
    • creating 1
  • bash_profile file 1
  • Bash shell
    • default user startup file 1
  • batch upgrade 1
  • binaries
    • relinking 1
  • binary files
    • supported storage options for 1
  • BMC interface
    • preinstallation tasks 1
  • Bourne shell
    • default user startup file 1


  • central inventory 1
    • See: Oracle inventory directory
    • See also: OINSTALL directory, oraInventory
  • checkdir error 1, 2
  • checklists 1
  • clients
    • and upgrades 1
    • connecting to SCAN 1
    • using SCAN 1
  • client-server configurations 1
  • cluster configuration
    • Oracle Extended Clusters 1
    • Oracle Standalone Clusters 1
  • cluster file system
    • storage option for data files 1
  • cluster name 1
    • requirements for 1
  • cluster nodes
    • private network node interfaces 1
    • private node names 1
    • public network node names and addresses 1
    • virtual node names 1, 2
  • Cluster Time Synchronization Service 1
  • clusterware
    • requirements for third party clusterware 1
  • commands
    • /usr/sbin/swapinfo 1
    • asmcmd 1
    • bdf 1
    • crsctl 1, 2
    • grep -i Memory 1
    • 1
    • kctune 1
    • ndd —get 1
    • ndd —set 1
    • nscd 1
    • 1
      • and deconfig option 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • srvctl 1
    • umask 1
    • unset 1
    • useradd 1
  • cron jobs 1
  • C shell
    • default user startup file 1
  • ctsdd 1
  • custom database
    • failure groups for Oracle ASM 1
    • requirements when using Oracle ASM 1


  • Database Configuration Assistant
    • running in silent mode 1
  • databases
    • Oracle ASM requirements 1
  • data files
    • storage options 1
    • supported storage options for 1
  • data loss
    • minimizing with Oracle ASM 1, 2
  • dba group
    • creating 1
    • description 1
    • SYSDBA privilege 1
  • dba groups
    • creating 1, 2
  • DBCA
    • no longer used for Oracle ASM disk group administration 1
    • Used to create server pools for earlier Oracle Database releases 1
  • dbca.rsp file 1
  • default file mode creation mask
    • setting 1
  • deinstall
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • deinstallation 1
    • examples 1
  • deinstallation tool 1
  • Deinstallation tool
    • Restriction for Oracle Flex Clusters and -lastnode flag 1
  • df command 1
  • dgdba group
    • creating 1
  • DHCP
    • and GNS 1
  • diagnostic data 1
  • Direct NFS
    • disabling 1
    • enabling 1
    • oranfstab file 1
  • directory
    • creating separate data file directories 1
  • disk group
    • Oracle ASM 1
    • recommendations for Oracle ASM disk groups 1
  • disk groups
    • checking 1
    • recommendations for 1
  • disks
    • selecting for use with Oracle ASM 1
  • disk space
    • requirements for preconfigured database in Oracle ASM 1
  • display variable 1
  • downgrade 1
  • downgrade after failed installation 1
  • downgrade after failed upgrade 1
  • downgrades 1, 2
  • downgrades restrictions 1
  • downgrading
    • Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
    • to 12.1 1


  • enterprise.rsp file 1
  • environment
    • configuring for Oracle user 1
  • environment variables
    • ORACLE_HOME 1, 2
    • ORACLE_SID 1, 2
    • removing from shell startup file 1
    • SHELL 1
    • TEMP and TMPDIR 1
  • errors
    • X11 forwarding 1, 2
  • errors using Opatch 1
  • errors using OPatch 1
  • Exadata
    • relinking binaries example for 1
  • examples
    • Oracle ASM failure groups 1
  • executeConfigTools 1


  • failed install 1
  • failed upgrade 1
  • failure group
    • characteristics of Oracle ASM failure group 1, 2
    • examples of Oracle ASM failure groups 1
    • Oracle ASM 1
  • fast recovery area
    • filepath 1
    • Grid home
      • filepath 1
  • fencing
    • and IPMI 1
  • file mode creation mask
    • setting 1
  • files
    • bash_profile 1
    • dbca.rsp 1
    • editing shell startup file 1
    • enterprise.rsp 1
    • login 1
    • profile 1
    • response files 1
  • filesets 1
  • file system
    • storage option for data files 1


  • globalization 1
  • GNS
    • about 1
    • configuration example 1
    • configuring 1
  • GNS client clusters
    • and GNS client data file 1
    • GNS client data file required for installation 1
    • name resolution for 1
  • GNS client data file
    • how to create 1
  • GNS virtual IP address 1
  • grid home
    • unlocking 1
  • grid infrastructure management repository 1
  • gridSetup script 1
  • Grid user
    • creating 1
  • groups
    • creating the asmdba group 1
    • creating the asmoper group 1
    • creating the backupdba group 1
    • creating the dba group 1
    • creating the dgdba group 1
    • creating the kmdba group 1
    • creating the Oracle ASM group 1
    • creating the racdba group 1
    • OINSTALL 1
    • OINSTALL group 1
    • OSBACKUPDBA (backupdba) 1
    • OSDBA (dba) 1
    • OSDBA group (dba) 1
    • OSDGDBA (dgdba) 1
    • OSKMDBA (kmdba) 1
    • OSOPER (oper) 1
    • OSOPER group (oper) 1


  • hardware requirements
    • display 1
    • IPMI 1
    • local storage for Oracle homes 1
    • network 1
    • RAM 1
    • tmp 1
  • highly available IP addresses (HAIP) 1, 2
  • host names
    • legal host names 1
  • HP-UX Itanium
    • parameters 1
  • HP-UX kernel parameters 1
  • Hub Nodes 1, 2
  • hugepages 1


  • image
    • install 1
  • image-based installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
  • inaccessible nodes
    • upgrading 1
  • incomplete installations 1
  • installation
    • cloning a Grid infrastructure installation to other nodes 1
    • response files 1
      • preparing 1, 2
      • templates 1
    • silent mode 1
  • installation planning 1
  • installation types
    • and Oracle ASM 1
  • installer screen
    • Specify NFS Locations for ASM Disk Groups 1
    • Storage Option Information 1
  • installer screens
    • Cluster Node Information 1
    • Grid Plug and Play Information 1, 2, 3
    • Network Interface Usage 1
    • Node Selection screen 1
  • interconnect 1
  • interconnects
    • single interface 1
  • interfaces 1
    • requirements for private interconnect 1
  • IPMI
    • addresses not configurable by GNS 1
    • preinstallation tasks 1
  • IPv4 requirements 1, 2
  • IPv6 requirements 1, 2


  • JDK requirements 1


  • kernel parameter
    • checking 1
    • modifying 1
  • kernel parameters
    • minimum values 1
    • tcp and udp 1
  • kernel parameters configuration 1
  • kmdba group
    • creating 1
  • Korn shell
    • default user startup file 1


  • Leaf Nodes 1, 2
  • legal host names 1
  • licensing 1
  • login file 1
  • LVM
    • recommendations for Oracle ASM 1


  • management repository service 1
  • mask
    • setting default file mode creation mask 1
  • mixed binaries 1
  • mode
    • setting default file mode creation mask 1
  • Multiple Oracle Homes Support
    • advantages 1
  • multiversioning 1


  • Name Service Cache Daemon
    • enabling 1
  • netca.rsp file 1
  • Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
    • response files 1
    • running at command prompt 1
  • network, minimum requirements 1
  • network interface cards
    • requirements 1
  • network requirements 1
  • networks
    • configuring interfaces 1
    • for Oracle Flex Clusters 1, 2
    • hardware minimum requirements 1
    • IP protocol requirements for 1, 2
    • manual address configuration example 1
    • Oracle Flex ASM 1
    • required protocols 1
  • NFS
    • and data files 1
    • buffer size requirements 1
    • for data files 1
  • NFS mounts
    • Direct NFS Client
      • requirements 1
    • mtab 1
    • oranfstab 1
  • noninteractive mode
    • See: response file mode


  • OCR
    • See: Oracle Cluster Registry
  • OFA 1
    • See also: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • oifcfg 1
  • OINSTALL directory 1
  • OINSTALL group
    • creating the oraInventory group 1
    • system privileges granted by 1
  • OINSTALL groupl 1
    • See also: Oracle Inventory directory
  • Opatch 1
  • OPatch 1
  • operating system
    • different on cluster members 1
    • requirements 1
  • operating system privileges groups 1
  • operating system requirements 1
  • oper group
    • description 1
  • Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • about 1
  • ORACLE_BASE environment variable
    • removing from shell startup file 1
  • ORACLE_HOME environment variable
    • removing from shell startup file 1
  • ORACLE_SID environment variable
    • removing from shell startup file 1
  • Oracle ASM
    • characteristics of failure groups 1, 2
    • disk groups 1
    • failure groups 1
      • examples 1
      • identifying 1
    • guidelines 1
    • installing 1
    • recommendations for disk groups 1
    • space required for preconfigured database 1
  • Oracle ASM group
    • creating 1
  • Oracle ASM on NFS 1
  • Oracle ASM password file 1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation 1
  • Oracle base 1, 2
  • Oracle base directory 1
  • Oracle Cluster Registry
    • configuration of 1
  • Oracle Clusterware Files
    • NFS to Oracle ASM 1
  • Oracle Database
    • data file storage options 1
    • requirements with Oracle ASM 1
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 1
    • response file 1
  • Oracle Disk Manager
    • and Direct NFS 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • Oracle Extended Cluster 1, 2
    • converting to 1
  • Oracle Extended Clusters 1
  • Oracle Flex ASM
    • and Oracle ASM clients 1
    • networks 1
  • Oracle Flex Clusters
    • about 1
    • and Hub Nodes 1
    • and Leaf Nodes 1
    • and Oracle Flex ASM 1
    • and Oracle Flex ASM cluster 1
  • Oracle home
    • ASCII path restriction for 1
    • file path 1
    • Grid home
      • filepath 1
    • naming conventions 1
  • Oracle home directory 1
  • Oracle Inventory 1
    • identifying existing 1
  • Oracle Inventory Directory
    • OINSTALL group 1
  • Oracle Inventory group
    • creating 1
  • Oracle IO Server 1
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    • response file 1
  • Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • See: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • Oracle ORAchk
    • and Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1
  • Oracle Software Owner user
    • See also: Oracle user
    • creating 1, 2
  • Oracle Software Owner users
    • configuring environment for 1
    • determining default shell 1
  • Oracle Standalone Cluster 1
    • storage option 1
  • Oracle Standalone Clusters 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • response files
      • list of 1
  • Oracle Upgrade Companion 1
  • oracle user 1
    • creating 1
  • Oracle user
    • configuring environment for 1
    • determining default shell 1
    • modifying 1
  • oraInventory 1, 2
    • See also: Oracle Inventory group
  • oranfstab configuration file 1
  • oranfstab file 1
  • OSASM group
    • creating 1
    • creating 1
  • OSBACKUPDBA group (backupdba) 1
  • OSDBA 1
  • OSDBA for ASM
    • creating for Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
  • OSDBA groups
    • creating 1
    • creating for Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
    • description for database 1
    • SYSDBA privilege 1
  • OSDGDBA group
    • creating 1
  • OSDGDBA group (dgdba) 1
  • OSKMDBA group
    • creating 1
  • OSKMDBA group (kmdba) 1
  • OSOPER group
    • creating 1
  • OSOPER groups
    • description for database 1
    • SYSOPER privilege 1
  • OSRACDBA group
    • creating 1


  • partition
    • using with Oracle ASM 1
  • patch updates 1
  • policy-managed databases
    • and SCAN 1
  • postinstallation
    • recommended tasks
      • script, backing up 1
  • postinstallation configToolAllCommands script 1
  • postinstallation -executeConfigTools option 1
  • preconfigured database
    • Oracle ASM disk space requirements 1
    • requirements when using Oracle ASM 1
  • primary host name 1
  • profile file 1
  • proxy realm 1
  • public node name
    • and primary host name 1


  • quorum disks 1
    • NFS mount 1


  • racdba group
    • creating 1
  • RAID
    • recommended Oracle ASM redundancy level 1
  • recommendations
    • client access to the cluster 1
    • number of IP address for SCAN resolution 1
    • private network 1
  • redundancy level
    • and space requirements for preconfigured database 1
  • Redundant Interconnect Usage 1
    • IPv4 requirement 1
  • registering resources 1
  • releases
    • multiple 1
  • relinking Oracle Grid Infrastructure home binaries 1, 2, 3
  • removing Oracle software 1, 2
    • examples 1
  • requiremenets
    • interconnects 1
  • requirements 1
    • for networks 1
  • response file 1
  • response file installation
    • preparing 1
    • response files
      • templates 1
    • silent mode 1
  • response file mode 1
    • See also: response files, silent mode
    • about 1
    • reasons for using 1
  • response files 1
    • See also: silent mode.
    • about 1
    • creating with template 1
    • database configuration assistant 1
    • dbca.rsp 1
    • enterprise.rsp 1
    • general procedure 1
    • netca.rsp 1
    • Net Configuration Assistant 1
    • passing values at command line 1
    • specifying with Oracle Universal Installer 1
  • script
    • backing up 1
    • restriction for Oracle Flex Cluster deinstallation 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • root user
    • logging in as 1
  • running 1
  • running multiple Oracle releases 1


  • SCAN
    • required for clients of policy-managed databases 1
    • understanding 1
  • SCAN address 1
  • SCAN addresses 1
  • SCAN listeners 1
  • SCANs 1, 2
    • client access 1
    • configuring 1
    • description 1
  • shell
    • determining default shell for Oracle user 1
  • SHELL environment variable
    • checking value of 1
  • shell startup file
    • editing 1
    • removing environment variables 1
  • silent mode
    • about 1
    • reasons for using 1
  • silent mode installation 1
  • single client access names
    • See: SCAN addresses
  • software requirements 1
  • space requirements 1
  • ssh
    • and X11 Forwarding 1
    • configuring 1
  • Standard cluster
    • upgrades result in 1
  • startup file
    • for shell 1
  • stty
    • suppressing to prevent installation errors 1
  • swap space
    • allocation 1
  • switches
    • minimum speed 1
  • SYSBACKUPDBA system privileges 1
  • SYSDBA privilege
    • associated group 1
  • SYSDGDBA system privileges 1
  • SYSKMDBA system privileges 1
  • SYSOPER privilege
    • associated group 1
  • system privileges
    • SYSDGDBA 1
    • SYSKMDBA 1
  • system requirements 1


  • tcp_recv_hiwater_max 1
  • tcp_xmit_hiwater_max 1
  • TCP/IP 1
  • TEMP environment variable
    • commands 1
      • env 1
    • env command 1
    • environment
      • checking settings 1
    • setting 1
    • umask 1
    • umask command 1
  • terminal output commands
    • suppressing for Oracle installation owner accounts 1
  • TMPDIR environment variable
    • setting 1
  • token-rings
    • unsupported 1
  • troubleshooting
    • cron jobs and installation 1
    • disk space errors 1
    • environment path errors 1
    • garbage strings in script inputs found in log files 1
    • inventory corruption 1
    • nfs mounts 1
    • public network failures 1
    • errors 1
    • ssh 1, 2
    • ssh errors 1
    • stty errors 1
    • unconfiguring Oracle Clusterware to fix causes of errors 1
    • unset environment variables 1
    • user equivalency 1, 2
    • user equivalency errors 1
  • Troubleshooting
    • DBCA does not recognize Oracle ASM disk size and fails to create disk groups 1
  • typographic conventions 1


  • umask command 1
  • unconfiguring Oracle Clusterware 1
  • uninstall
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • UNIX commands
    • xhost 1
  • UNIX workstation
    • installing from 1
  • unreachable nodes
    • upgrading 1
  • upgrade 1
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management 1
    • running 1
  • upgrades
    • and Leaf Nodes 1
    • and SCAN 1
    • best practices 1
    • restrictions for 1
    • unsetting environment variables for 1
  • upgrade tasks 1
  • upgrading
    • and Oracle ORAchk Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1
    • inaccessible nodes 1
    • options 1
  • useradd command 1
  • users
    • creating the oracle user 1


  • vendor clusterware
    • and cluster names for Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
  • voting files
    • configuration of 1


  • X11 forwarding errors 1, 2
  • xhost command 1
  • xtitle
    • suppressing to prevent installation errors 1
  • X Window System
    • enabling remote hosts 1