Search(byte[ ], Int64, Int64)

This instance method searches for a character pattern, represented by the byte array, in the current instance of OracleClob.


// C#
public int Search(byte[] val, Int64 offset, Int64 nth);


  • val

    A Unicode byte array.

  • offset

    The 0-based offset (in characters) starting from which the OracleClob is searched.

  • nth

    The specific occurrence (1-based) of the match for which the absolute offset (in characters) is returned.

Return Value

Returns the absolute offset of the start of the matched pattern (in bytes) for the nth occurrence of the match. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

  • The offset is less than 0.

  • The nth is less than or equal to 0.

  • The nth is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize.

  • The offset is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize.


The byte[ ] is converted to Unicode before the search is made.

The limit of the search pattern is 16383 bytes.