
This property specifies the type of XML operation on the OracleCommand.


// C#
public OracleXmlCommandType XmlCommandType {get; set;}

Property Value

An OracleXmlCommandType.


Default value is None.

XmlCommandType values and usage:

  • None - The CommandType property specifies the type of operation.

  • Query - CommandText property must be set to a SQL select statement. The query is executed, and the results are returned as an XML document. The SQL select statement in the CommandText and the properties specified by the XmlQueryProperties property are used to perform the operation. The CommandType property is ignored.

  • Insert, Update, or Delete - CommandText property is an XML document containing the changes to be made. The XML document in the CommandText and the properties specified by the XmlSaveProperties property are used to perform the operation. The CommandType property is ignored.