OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name and Oracle data type.


// C#
public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType oraType);


  • parameterName

    The parameter name.

  • oraType

    The data type of the OracleParameter.


Changing the DbType implicitly changes the OracleDbType.

Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values.

Default Values:

  • DbType - String

  • ParameterDirection - Input

  • isNullable - true

  • offset - 0

  • OracleDbType - Varchar2

  • ParameterAlias - Empty string

  • ParameterName - Empty string

  • Precision - 0

  • Size - 0

  • SourceColumn - Empty string

  • SourceVersion - Current

  • ArrayBindStatus - Success

  • Value - null