OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version and parameter value.


// C#
public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType oraType, 
   int size, ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, byte
   precision, byte scale,  string srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion,
   object obj);


  • parameterName

    The parameter name.

  • oraType

    The data type of the OracleParameter.

  • size

    The size of the OracleParameter value.

  • direction

    The ParameterDirection value.

  • isNullable

    An indicator that specifies if the parameter value can be null.

  • precision

    The precision of the parameter value.

  • scale

    The scale of the parameter value.

  • srcColumn

    The name of the source column.

  • srcVersion

    The DataRowVersion value.

  • obj

    The parameter value.


ArgumentException - The supplied value does not belong to the type of Value property in any of the OracleTypes.


Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values.

Default Values:

  • DbType - String

  • ParameterDirection - Input

  • isNullable - true

  • offset - 0

  • OracleDbType - Varchar2

  • ParameterAlias - Empty string

  • ParameterName - Empty string

  • Precision - 0

  • Size - 0

  • SourceColumn - Empty string

  • SourceVersion - Current

  • ArrayBindStatus - Success

  • Value - null