A.9.3 Performing Postinstallation Configuration Using a Response File

To run configuration assistants with the configToolAllCommands script in silent mode or response file mode, perform these steps.

  1. Change directory to %ORACLE_HOME%\cfgtoollogs.
  2. Run the configuration script using the following syntax:
    configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FILE=\path\name.properties

Example A-6 Running Configuration Assistants in Response File Mode

Assume you created a password response file in the C:\users\oracle\db directory with a name of cfg_db.properties. To run the configuration assistants in response file mode to configure the Oracle software after installation, enter commands similar to the following:

C:\> cd %ORACLE_HOME%\cfgtoollogs
C:\..\cfgtoollogs> configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FILE=C:\users\oracle\db\cfg