13 Oracle Trace File Analyzer

Oracle Trace File Analyzer helps you collect and analyze diagnostic data.

As a DBA, you are expected to do more work with fewer resources all the time. You are under pressure to keep the mission-critical applications up and running. When something goes wrong, everyone looks to you to understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

It is not always easy. You have to run the right tools at the right time. If you're using Oracle Clusterware, then you also have to collect diagnostic data from all the database nodes. Collecting this data can require you to use tools that you rarely use. Needless to say, each tool has its own syntax.

The amount of data you collect can be huge. Only a fraction of the data that you collect is useful, but how can you know which part is relevant? You must collect it all, quickly, before the data is overwritten. In the meantime, you have still got a problem that costs your company time and money.

Oracle Trace File Analyzer enables you to collect diagnostic data. Collecting diagnostic data is a crucial step to resolving problems that occur with your Oracle Database.

Oracle Trace File Analyzer monitors your logs for significant problems that potentially impact your service. Oracle Trace File Analyzer also automatically collects relevant diagnostics when it detects any potential problems.

Oracle Trace File Analyzer can identify the relevant information in log files. It trims log files to just the parts that are necessary to resolve an issue. Oracle Trace File Analyzer also collects data across cluster nodes and consolidates everything in one place.

Using important database diagnostic tools is easy with Oracle Trace File Analyzer. Oracle Trace File Analyzer hides the complexity by providing a single interface and syntax for them all.