Tracking File Attribute Changes

Use the Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk -fileattr option and command flags to record and track file attribute settings, and compare snapshots.


[-fileattr start]
[-fileattr check]
[-fileattr remove]
[-fileattr [start|check] -includedir directories]
[-fileattr [start|check] -excludediscovery]
[-fileattr check -baseline baseline snapshot path]
[-fileattr check –fileattronly]

Table -6 List of Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk File Attribute Tracking Options

Option Description

-fileattr start

Takes file attribute snapshots of discovered directories, and stores the snapshots in the output directory.

By default, this option takes snapshots of Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes, and all the installed Oracle Database homes. If a user does not own a particular directory, then the tool does not take snapshots of the directory.

-fileattr check

Takes a new snapshot of discovered directories, and compares it with the previous snapshot.

-fileattr remove

Removes file attribute snapshots and related files.

-fileattr [start|check] -includedir directories

Specify a comma-delimited list of directories to check file attributes.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/home,/etc"
./orachk -fileattr check -includedir "/root/home,/etc"

-fileattr [start|check] -excludediscovery

Excludes the discovered directories.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/home,/etc" -excludediscovery	

-fileattr check -baseline baseline snapshot path

Uses a snapshot that you designate as the baseline for a snapshot comparison. Provide the path to the snapshot that you want to use as the baseline.

A baseline is the starting file attributes that you want to compare to at later times. Current file attributes are compared to the baseline and a delta is reported.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr check -baseline "/tmp/Snapshot"

-fileattr check –fileattronly

Performs only file attributes check, and then exits Oracle ORAchk.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr check -fileattronly