14 CLSNS-00000 to CLSNS-00041

CLSNS-00000: no error

Cause: Operation was successful.

Action: No action needed.

CLSNS-00001: unspecified error

Cause: An unknown error occurred. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00002: memory allocation of number bytes failed

Cause: An operation failed because it was not possible to allocate enough process memory.

Action: If memory is low on the system, terminate other processes and/or threads and try the operation again. Otherwise, this is an internal error and Oracle Customer Support should be contacted.

CLSNS-00003: Buffer string is too small. Required: number bytes, provided: number bytes.

Cause: An operation failed because the buffer supplied was too small.

Action: Retry with a buffer of the required size or more.

CLSNS-00004: length of value "string": number exceeds maximum: number

Cause: The value specified exceeds the maximum allowed.

Action: Specify a shorter value. This error can occur when creating a TXT record. If it occurs in another context, it is an internal error. In that case, contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred

CLSNS-00005: operation timed out

Cause: A name resolution operation took too long to complete.

Action: This can happen on a heavily loaded system, for example. Retry the operation a few more times. If it still does not succeed, contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00006: duplicate object

Cause: An operation failed because specified object already exists.

Action: Specify an object name that does not already exist.

CLSNS-00007: object not found

Cause: An operation failed because the specified object was not found.

Action: Specify a valid object name which is alrady registered with name server.

CLSNS-00008: invalid argument: string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00009: invalid context

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00010: invalid DNS message received

Cause: An operation failed because invalid DNS message received.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00011: corrupt list

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00012: corrupt record

Cause: An operation failed because a corrupted or malformed record was found.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00013: invalid property

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00014: invalid operation code

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00015: invalid record type: number

Cause: An operation failed because an invalid record type was supplied.

Action: Specify a valid record type and try the operation again.

CLSNS-00016: invalid flags: 0xnumber

Cause: An internal interface was passed an invalid argument. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00017: invalid status: number

Cause: A DNS message was received whose status is not known.

Action: If this is a response, the name server may be incorrectly configured and the response should be ignored. If this is a query, it is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00018: invalid section: number

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00019: communications failure

Cause: It was not possible to contact a naming service.

Action: Examine the accompanying errors to determine what the cause may be.

CLSNS-00020: DNS configuration retrieval failed

Cause: Retrieval of configuration information failed.

Action: Examine any accompanying errors and logs for more information.

CLSNS-00021: permission denied

Cause: An operation failed because the user did not have the necessary permissions.

Action: Examine any accompanying errors and logs for more information.

CLSNS-00022: credential retrieval failure

Cause: An operation failed because the user did not have the necessary credentials.

Action: Examine any accompanying errors and logs for more information.

CLSNS-00023: connection to GNS failed

Cause: The connection to the GNS server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying errors for more information about the error.

CLSNS-00024: unable to initialize GNS

Cause: It was not possible to initialize the GNS server for the cluster.

Action: Determine if GNS is running. If it is not, ask the administrator to start it. If GNS is running, it is an error and Oracle Customer Support should be contacted with the details of the error.

CLSNS-00025: unable to locate GNS

Cause: It was not possible to locate the GNS server for the cluster.

Action: Determine if GNS is running. If it is not, ask the administrator to start it. If GNS is running, it is an error and Oracle Customer Support should be contacted with the details of the error.

CLSNS-00026: failed to resolve name with GNS

Cause: It was not possible to resolve a name with GNS.

Action: Examine the accompanying errors for details. If the name is indeed advertised with GNS, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSNS-00027: operation is unsupported

Cause: The specified operation is not supported.

Action: This is an internally-visible error and should not ordinarily be seen by users. Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00028: no space for record in message

Cause: Not enough space exists in a DNS message for a record.

Action: This is an internally-visible error and should not ordinarily be seen by users. Contact Oracle Customer Support and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00029: advertisement of name "string" failed

Cause: Advertisement of the records attached to specified name failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00030: deletion of name "string" failed

Cause: Deletion of the records attached to the pecified name failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00031: refresh of name "string" failed

Cause: Refresh of the records attached to the specified name failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00032: retrieval of GPnP profile failed

Cause: The retrieval of the Grid Plug and Play profile failed.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00033: initialization of GPnP failed

Cause: The initialization of Grid Plug and Play failed.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CLSNS-00034: number of retries exceeeded maximum: number

Cause: The retries allotted for an operation exceeded the maximum.

Action: Check to see if the name service being used is functioning correctly.

CLSNS-00035: Invalid IP address: string

Cause: GNS discovery address was not in IPv4 nor IPv6 format.

Action: Specify an address using IPv4 or IPv6 format.

CLSNS-00036: domain "string" not found

Cause: A query for information about the specified instance failed because the instance could not be found in the Domain Name System (DNS).

Action: Specify the name of an instance that exists in DNS.

CLSNS-00037: Signature verification failed.

Cause: The verification of the signature attached to a record failed.

Action: This error should not be seen ordinarily. If it appears, contact Oracle Customer Service and provide details about how and when the error occurred.

CLSNS-00038: GNS has not been configured.

Cause: A service advertisement or location failed because the Grid Naming Service (GNS) had not been configured.

Action: Configure GNS and retry the operation.

CLSNS-00039: failed to initialize OCR

Cause: An internal operation invoked an API which attempted to initialize the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and encountered an error. Accompanying error messages provide additional failure detail.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information, resolve issues raised and retry the operation.

CLSNS-00040: failed to retrieve the old cluster names

Cause: An internal API attempted to retrieve an old cluster names from Oracle cluster registry (OCR) and encountered an error. OCR unavailability could be the potential cause of this error. Accompanying error messages provide additional failure detail.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information, resolve issues raised and retry the operation.

CLSNS-00041: failure to contact name servers string

Cause: The resolution of a name or service failed because none of the configured name servers could be contacted.

Action: Examine the accompanying messages for more information about the problem, correct any issues found and retry the operation. If the Grid Naming Service (GNS) is the name server, use the command 'srvctl status gns' to check that it is running.